TEAS takers...thoughts


I just got back from taking it.

My thoughts:

Reading- A piece of cake

Math- OK, a few confusing ones but overall not too bad.

Science- WTH was up with THIS section? NADA on Anatomy/Phys or heck even health science.....I was wayyyy confused at this section. Not the questions- but WTH was the purpose? It seemed to me to be more heavily on the scientific method and .....physics!

English- Another piece of cake.

I guess I just thought a test to get into a NURSING program would have a SCIENCE section more geared towards MEDICAL SCIENCE...not what I was tested on???????????

Specializes in Operating Room.

Hope you did well! :o)

I had to take the NET, so I don't know anything about the TEAS.

From what you are saying, it seems to be a general "science major" exam.

I felt the same way about this test. The study guide was not helpul for the science portion for me. The rest was pretty easy. I hate math! It wasn't too bad. I studied the anatomy and psy. just knowing it would be on the test and it wasn't. I hope you did well.

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.
I just got back from taking it.

My thoughts:

Math- OK, a few confusing ones but overall not too bad.

What type of math was on it?

Physics??? Thats not even a pre-req!

The math had a pretty high range. Things I know were covered were algebra, ratios, probablity, geometry, fractions, long word problems...and occasionally...simple addition.

The science part was VERY odd. A lot of it just took some " educated deducing" but still I couldn't believe how heavily it was slanted towards physics...so when you do the study guide you might as well skip the A+P part because there was *one* question that was even remotely A+P related and a lot more on " which method of testing should the scientist use" and then stuff on velocity, etc. In fact, I don't recall much chemistry either. It was a short section..ony 35 questions I think? But, not what I expected. It wasn't that I found it hard- just totally NOT what I expected on a nursing entrance exam.

What kind of physics questions were on there? Physics isnt even a pre-req at my school. I have never taken Physics and wont have to. What other kind of science questions were on the test? :uhoh21: I havent sign up to take it yet but I have been studying the A-P part a lot and just getting started on Chemistry. What kind of questions do they ask? Kinda like what is in the study book?

I don't want you to panic....when I got home I was so freaked out by the science section that I thought for sure I was doomed....well the more I thought about it- the more I realized it wasn't hard at ALL.... I just was expecting more anatomy type stuff. I scored really well on the science section.

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