Published Mar 30, 2011
142 Posts
Just wondering how long it took all of you to study for the TEAS test. I am planning on taking it this summer and can schedule it at any time. Just trying to get an idea how much time I will need to study. I have one more co requisite class that I was thinking of taking in the summer (any humanities class). But not sure how long studying for the TEAS will take. TEAS is my priority and I will hold off on that last class if it's going to take up a lot of my time. So there it is, and my Question again????
How long do you think it takes the average student to prepare (to do well) for the TEAS test?
143 Posts
I gave myself two weeks to study like a madwoman! :) I also took the practice tests in the study guide like 10 times each. The actual test was easier than the practice tests, IMO.
245 Posts
I didn't study. I bought the ATI book but never even looked at it. I did well not because I'm super smart, but it's the easiest standardized test ever. The TEAS is testing for basic skills, nothing hard. Good luck and you really shouldn't worry. I'm sure you'll ace it!
37 Posts
I think it depends on how well you already know the material. I have been out of high school for 27 years, and bought the ATI study book/online practice tests. I read the book; worked all the problems; and did the practice tests over the course of about 8 weeks (in addition to the 7 courses I'm taking, so I probably dedicated about 3 hours a week to the TEAS).
I took my test this week, and did pretty well (89%). I kind of wish I'd given myself just a little more time on the science parts of the study guide!! I'm just doing my science pre-reqs now, so there was a lot of unfamiliar stuff on the test for me.
Good luck!
66 Posts
2 months i would say, less if you are good at some of the material like Math and Science. It took me two months to study and I did pretty good. I would not cram for a test like the teas, you will feel overwhelmed if you do. Also the Science section make sure you focus more on the Chemistry and Physics, all the Anatomy stuff is a waste because there are like 2 questions out of 48 pertaining to it.
Well I just took the test today. Got a 79. I was shooting for above 80. I guess I'm just happy to be done with it.
Thanks everyone
To anybody that still needs to take it. Here are my thoughts.
I just used the ATI study book and online test A and B. Spent an hour or so a night on it for about 3 weeks. I probably should have got another study book also. I felt like there was science stuff that wasn't covered in the review. I found the English the hardest. It's just kind of hard to study for and I haven't had an English class in 17 years. That and the Chem. If I were to do it again I would spend more time refreshing the Chem. I think that's learnable. As far as the English, well I got through it.
I thought the first section, reading was a lot easier than the practice tests. I was also surprised how basic the math was. But these were the sections I scored highest on the practice tests.