

We have always done teach-back on our Med/Surg floor since I started 3 years ago. Now, CMS is pressing down that it needs to be documented and followed almost as if it is or will becoming a new QI. I love teach-back and think it is a great method.

But I struggle with our way of documenting teach-back. In our computer system (Meditech) we have developed a standard patient education screen. This is a place that allows us to choose a topic, explain what we taught and click if we used teach-back or not.

I'm trying to bring new ideas to our documentation of teach-back. I've struggled to find any research on the documentation of it.

Anyone out there that would like to share how they're hospitals document teach-back?

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.

Ours sounds pretty similar to yours. We check the topic, recipient(s), readiness (eager, accepting, etc.), method--teachback is an option-- and response. There's a comments section where we can free-text if we have anything to add.

When we use Teach Back, we also use Ask Me 3--if the patient can ask (and answer) 3 questions about the topic, they probably have at least a basic grasp of it. When we document, it's only check boxes, although we can comment if we so choose under "other."

Specializes in Med/Surg, Academics.

Don't fix what's not broken. You have a teach back check box. Why look for ways to create double documentation?

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