

I applied to the second class at TCU and have a question. I received a letter on Feb. 28th that stated I was not accepted in the first round but that due to my qualifications and experience that they were going to keep my application in light of the remaining applications in their pool. They went on to say they were not rejecting my application at this time and was considering it. It went on to say I may be accepted rejected or put on an alternate list. HELP!!! Is this good bad or just plain ugly. :rotfl:

I don't think it is ugly. At least you heard something, right? I think it just means they are not done interviewing and that you are a good candidate. Others may have more experience or qualifications that they have not interviewed yet. Does that make sense? I don't think it was meant to be rude but rather to at least let you have some answer instead of the awful waiting and wondering.

Good Luck!

Thanks I can use all the help I can get at this time.

I would say that it is good, reason being, they did not say "NO". I have been accepted into the 2nd class at T.C.U., but I have a friend who works on the same unit as I, whom they told "no", srtaight up. Keep your head up, it sounds like they see real potential in you.

Keep your head up.........they are still interviewing right now! The letter meant that you weren't "CUT", which is a GREAT thing! You're just now in the pool, with others, until the interviewing is done, and they make their final decisions. So, don't give up! And it's true, some people have received denial letters, which wasn't you!!!!!!!

I got the exact same letter! I felt like my interview went well.... at the time I was still pending on the ccrn test. I have since taken and passed it... thank GOD! It sounded like they really pay attention to GRE scores... We should just keep on praying and hoping for the best. At least this is not a negetive letter..... We will see!

I think in the past students have forced an early decison or (the converse) the school made an early decison in order to insure theyre slots where full and then ended up regreting the fact that they didn't have more seats when better students came along later. Don't put all your eggs in one basket kind of thing. I dont know this is true in TCU's case or in Any schools case. just a gut feeling. I would take it as a good sign.

congrats they did not reject you. usually schools keep a list of qualified candidates just in case a student does not show up on the first day of class. they are making sure they have all their slots filled. good luck.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I guess it is about a month before we all find out thanks.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you CCRNMASTER, keep us updated

i'm in the first class at tcu, i don't have any inside info for you, but i know other schools do this as well, it usually just means that they aren't finished interviewing everyone yet, unless you interviewed early and had an outstanding resume then you may have to wait until they interview everyone before they decide who will get in

I applied to the second class at TCU and have a question. I received a letter on Feb. 28th that stated I was not accepted in the first round but that due to my qualifications and experience that they were going to keep my application in light of the remaining applications in their pool. They went on to say they were not rejecting my application at this time and was considering it. It went on to say I may be accepted rejected or put on an alternate list. HELP!!! Is this good bad or just plain ugly. :rotfl:
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