Tarrant County College Fall 2014 Nursing Program

U.S.A. Texas


This topic was created for those who will be applying to Tarrant County College's Fall 2014 Nursing Program. The dialog is open for those who have never applied and those who have applied multiple times. Let's discuss our frustrations, stats, best practices for study and the HESI, where you are at achieving your goal, and if you plan to apply anywhere else.

I have applied and was turned down 3.50 Science, 90 HESI, 970 Critical thinking (for another nursing program). I was knocked down, but I refuse to stay there.

Let's talk!

Drum roll.....

Alternate List.....Fall 2014

#remainingpositive #betterthanarejectionletter

Congrats!! Did you just find out?

No, I found out two weeks ago.

Specializes in Progressive Care Unit (ICU step-down).

@Diamond, did you get in?

Hey all! I'm a former student as well. I'm pretty sure that @MurseFockerRN was in my adult clinical and the advice he has provided is pretty sound. I was able to graduate a semester early, as I was selected for the summer classes. If anyone has any questions, I'm willing to help. Just remember, you can do it! Nursing school is demanding but in no way impossible. I had two people quit nursing school in my first semester within the first couple weeks. But just remember why you applied for nursing school. Let that drive push you to be the best student you can be and you'll be fine. Don't slack during clinicals, ask for opportunities, learn as much as you can because when you are done with school, you WILL be a nurse. And being a nurse is much more challenging than any of nursing school. You are all smart and congratulations on admittance to TCC nursing! It is a great program, you will learn a lot, and you will come out of it a better and stronger person than you were before!

When did you graduate kmart69? I thought everyone graduated either in May or December.

Specializes in Progressive Care Unit (ICU step-down).

They have a fast track program at TCC and if they have open spots they will let students with high GPAs and those with extenuating circumstances to take the summer classes. I started at TCC in January 2012 and finished August 2013.

Make sure you guys do your background check by Tuesday!!!

I am so ready to start in August! I am ready for orientation! I feel like the wait since being accepted as been forever!!!

Drum roll.....

Alternate List.....Fall 2014

#remainingpositive #betterthanarejectionletter

Have you heard back yet??

Me too! I'm also a little nervous because it's everything we've worked for. This is one step closer to the dream :)

Thought August would never get here ;) Looking forward to Tuesdays orientation.


@Diamond, did you get in?

Hey all! I'm a former student as well. I'm pretty sure that @MurseFockerRN was in my adult clinical and the advice he has provided is pretty sound. I was able to graduate a semester early, as I was selected for the summer classes. If anyone has any questions, I'm willing to help. Just remember, you can do it! Nursing school is demanding but in no way impossible. I had two people quit nursing school in my first semester within the first couple weeks. But just remember why you applied for nursing school. Let that drive push you to be the best student you can be and you'll be fine. Don't slack during clinicals, ask for opportunities, learn as much as you can because when you are done with school, you WILL be a nurse. And being a nurse is much more challenging than any of nursing school. You are all smart and congratulations on admittance to TCC nursing! It is a great program, you will learn a lot, and you will come out of it a better and stronger person than you were before!

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