Tarleton State FALL 2011


I was just wondering how many people applied to Tarleton for Fall 2011? I applied there and to Weatherford. I am on the alternate list for Weatherford. Of course, stil waiting to hear from Tarleton. I am taking TSU's intro to nursing class this semester. The director of nursing said it is taking so long to notify applicants because they have had a lot of their staff out for various reasons. They send out their notifications by e-mail! I can't wait to hear.

Yes, the email said they wanted all of the patches in order to give them out next Saturday. So, maybe she was just fibbing, so people would quit calling. I hope so! I want to know already

Hey Formack...I was wondering if you got accepted into Tarleton? I got my email today that I did, but I'm still going to WC instead. It seems like the better option for me.

No e-mail. I guess that means I didn't get in

did you get it on blackboard?

I couldn't stand it and I emailed EE. She emailed back and said she had only begun to send out notices and more would go out tomorrow. So, I have my fingers crossed. :)

Good Luck!!! I'm glad you posted that. I forwarded it to my friend that didn't get an email either and was worried.

Heather can i ask how many points you have? I am looking at applying next term but wanted to get an idea of how many points i needed. I felt i would be at a disadvantage since i did not take pre reqs there and would loose out on the 35 points for that.

I got credit for being a student, because I am taking the intro to nursing course. but, I didn't take any pre-reqs there either. So, I'll update if I get in and that might give you an idea of the odds.

I got my acceptance letter on the 4th. Still have to see if a move is going to pan out, but did get accepted. :)

I got my acceptance email today. I don't think I have ever been that happy to see an e-mail!!

I didn't take any prereqs at TSU either and got accepted. I had 145 points not counting the points they give you for your essay, references, etc. Good Luck!

In terms of points, I had 32 from from Course Points, 40 from GPA Points, and got an 88% overall composite (96% composite of just reading and math, not sure which composite they used for point calc) on the TEAS test . Have not taken any courses at TSU, not even the Intro class. So I don't think I got any residence points, and no clue what my essay, etc counted for. Oh, and I'm a guy, for w/e that's worth.

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