Published Apr 9, 2011
135 Posts
I was just wondering how many people applied to Tarleton for Fall 2011? I applied there and to Weatherford. I am on the alternate list for Weatherford. Of course, stil waiting to hear from Tarleton. I am taking TSU's intro to nursing class this semester. The director of nursing said it is taking so long to notify applicants because they have had a lot of their staff out for various reasons. They send out their notifications by e-mail! I can't wait to hear.
69 Posts
I applied to Tarleton and WC as well. I got accepted into WC, and most likely am going to go there because it is SO much cheaper. I feel really good about my chances at Tarleton, better than I did at WC. But the price is a BIG factor. I can go to WC for my ADN, then a bridge program through Texas Tech to get my BSN for a good bit cheaper than Tarleton. Its a tough decision to make.
I know, there is a HUGE price difference. I live in Granbury, in the middle distance wise. Also, at Tarleton, an 85 is considered a passing grade. So, that is a little daunting. I can't wait to hear from them, one way or another
I live in Granbury too! I think Tarleton's passing grade is 75. If you get accepted into both, do you know which one you are going to pick? I spoke with a lady at Mineral Wells hospital and she spoke very highly of WC. She hires a lot of nurses from WC, and I think we do clinicals there through WC. I looked online at the Board of Nursing and WC's NCLEX pass rate for the last five years was between 95-100% (3 years were 100%) and Tarletons has been between 72-89% the last five years. WC will only cost $7,000, including books and stuff, and Tarleton is like $2500 a semester without books.
I honestly thought hands down I would choose Tarleton. I was thinking only 1 more semester and I would have a bachelor's degree. But, between the money and their clinical sites...I think I am leaning towards WC. For TSU's clinicals; more than 1 are in Waco and 1 in Dallas. Well, considering the time you have to be there. I would have to get a hotel and be gone for a week.
That's how I felt too, but I didn't really think I was going to get into WC, I'm not really sure why, and felt really good about my chances at Tarleton. But then I got my acceptance packet to WC and started really contemplating it. I spoke to a bunch of people and it seems that WC is the best choice for me. I know someone is Irving and Waco I could stay with if I did decide to go to TSU. But I'm 98% sure I'm going to WC...I'm not real sure why I have a problems saying 100% lol
I spoke with someone yesterday. She said they are STILL working on the apps. She said their goal now, is to have the answers out by the end of April. AHH! So, tired of waiting.
I take a the intro to nursing class at Tarleton, so we get e-mails for the nursing dept. I got one today that was asking current nursing students to donate a TSU nursing patch in an envelope and put a note in it with their info. They said they would present these to the new Fall 2011 class of 60 during their nursing futurity on April 30th. So, we will have to know if we got in before then! Waiting impatiently.
LOL I saw that too and figured we'd know before then. Only 15 more days to wait. I have decided I'm for sure going to WC regardless, but it will be nice to know whether I did get accepted to Tarleton or not. I am betting that everyone in class that applied and meets the requirements will get accepted. I have heard from several people that they only look at applications of people in that class. I know a few people did not apply because of TEAS scores or didn't have all their prereqs done. I think they are accepting 60, and the roll sheet in class says 87 people last time. So I bet if you met all the requirements with grades and TEAS scores, you will probably get accepted.
Thanks! That is nice to know. I didn't really think about it that way. Do you sit at the front or back of class?
I called up just to see what date they would say. V, answered the phone and said that they had not gone through all of the apps yet and hoped to have notifications out by the first or second week of May!! Surely, that is not true. Especially after you heard that we should know Monday.
I heard that second hand though so I'm not sure. I don't know who she heard that from. I wasn't in class Monday so I don't know if they said it then, or if she heard it from another student or what.
If they won't find out until May, I wonder how they are doing the patch thing then, cause we haven't gotten a new email from them changing that date. Didn't the email say they are giving the new students their old patches and letters at that thing???