Published Aug 19, 2009
rkitty198, BSN, RN
420 Posts
Okay so I just started this new job on this great unit...
The other day I was going about my business and I was hearing this one Nurse (who has the loudest voice ever!) saying how Nurse M. was in trouble for misplacing narcotics. Nurse loudmouth then went on to talk about how the state of licensure was watching Nurse M. and she was under a hospital program as well, for narcotic abuse.
The conversation went on with Nurse loudmouth talking about how Nurse M. was in big trouble and how it was a pain to have to watch this Nurse with the narcotics and how Nurse M. probably shouldnt even be working.
Now I am new, and I dont know Nurse M.
I first thought of telling the Charge Nurse, but she was also in on the conversation, as were two other Nurses.
I was disgusted because Nurse M. was not there to defend herself, it is unethical to talk about these issues, I cannot stand gossip and I did not know what to do.
I should have just ended the conversation, but then I am 3 weeks new.
There is an ethics hotline I can call, or I can go to another superior...
However I was wondering if I am going overboard, should I just let it go and mind my own business?
How would you handle this?
310 Posts
Just stay away from the conversation. Don't acknowledge them and if they try to bring the gossip to you, then tell them how you feel. But, I understand you not wanting to say anything as a new hire. Just maintain those ethics as you get more time in there.
Katnip, RN
2,904 Posts
New hire or not, you have the right to ask them to stop, telling them you are uncomfortable with this talk. If you don't feel ok doing that, then go to your manager or HR and tell them you are feeling uncomfortable. They should then address this.
I just came from a meeting about harrassment and hostile work environments, and this would be classified as hostile.
lisamc1RN, LPN
943 Posts
Before I would call any ethics hotline, I'd address the issue directly. If Nurse loudmouth continues to speak openly about this after you've asked her to stop, then it's time to go to the nurse manager.
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
There is an ethics hotline I can call, or I can go to another superior...However I was wondering if I am going overboard, should I just let it go and mind my own business?How would you handle this?
yes, you should mind your own business, in that you do not want to get involved in the gossip.
but no, you shouldn't mind your business, in that their behavior is unethical, unprofessional and damaging.
i would talk privately with the nm.
no need for this, at all.
Also to include during my 3 week orientation with a preceptor, I was told by the preceptor that "there are three Nurses here that are on drug rehab programs, and you wouldnt believe who they are!" I did not entertain any sort of interest towards who they could be, nor do I want to.
Another thing was that one of the agency Nurses was there during the conversation. She went to another Nurse who takes charge during the week and she even said to "go to the charge nurse." It was too bad that the one in charge was doing the gossiping.
Since this was the second time I had heard about these Nurses in the drug program should I really say something?
That is such a personal issue and one that needs to remain with the person and the people in charge. I have no idea how these programs work. I dont know who needs to know what, so if someone other than management needs to know about these particular Nurses and this program then it should remain with them.
My mother had issues with alcohol abuse, and she worked in an office. I once remember someone from her office calling me and asking me as a child on the phone, if my "mommy drinks?" I never answered them. Now after looking back on that, I was thinking that this could be so damaging to her and us as we had such a tough growing up because of our small income.
The whole thing makes me sick. I am Never! going to tell these gals anything personal that is for sure. I do love working with them and they are really nice, this is why this issue has bothered me so much.
28 Posts
If it was me...I'd be looking for a new place to work ASAP, new grad or not. It's obvious from your witnessing the Charge nurse in it too. Learn this early>>>follow chain of command...pretty much no matter what. And keep notes at home of what you did, who you talked to and what the date will come in handy later on. Since you are so new, and it appears that this is a tolerated thing on your unit, I might go to HR and speak to the Nurse Recruiter who you spoke to with the "I need some help...I'm thinking maybe I don't belong here" attitude and tell her what is going on. I am certain that there are laws that cover this type of gossip and how would YOU feel if they were discussing YOUR being in rehab and assuming they knew all the details...
the BEST of luck to you, but you do not need that kind of peer to learn WILL be either dragged into it OR if you do oppose the clan, they will get rid of you....someway...been there and done that!
I would go to the nurse recruiter, but he also broke an ethical boundary with me.
I had to go in for a urinary analysis for a drug test.
I had a clean drug test, but they got my urine mixed up with another prospective employee.
Well I got a call from him, via my answering machine telling me I failed the drug screen and I was not going to be hired if I didnt get it straightened out. I was not worried about the test, as I am clean as a bottle of Lysol. I was discusted because he left me this message on my machine firstly, secondly I dont have a machine that says "this is the so and so residence" so he could have been leaving a message for anyone at that. Thirdly, when I called him back I told him I was quite disturbed by the fact that he could leave such a message of that sorts on my answering machine. He just blew it off, telling me that the test was fine and they got my urine labeled with another persons name, and it was a good thing they obtain two samples!
So that was my first impression of the hospital.
But I thought, maybe not all of the employees are like this and I will give it a try.
Now this.
I am going to talk to the nurse manager today if she is in. I dont think this is tolerable. I have thought about it long enough.
Then I think
I dont want to lose my job, it is hard to find jobs here in WA. We are buying a house, this and that goes through my mind.
I think that if I am plagued by these two incidents of really bad ethical issues, this may not be the place for me to work.
diane227, LPN, RN
1,941 Posts
First of all, don't say anything to the staff on the floor where you work. You don't know these people or what their relationship is with this nurse they are talking about. It is unethical for them to be having this discussion but every place is going to gossip about stuff like this. There is always someone who is going to run his/ her mouth. You don't know these people and it is absolutely not your job to call them on this or to put them in their place. If you feel comfortable with the manager you can mention it to her but be careful. You don't know who her friends are out there on that floor because you have not been there long enough to know the politics of the situation. Plus, no matter what she says to them, they are going to keep running their mouths. You just cannot teach people to shut up and be professional sometimes.
I work in WA also. Email me in private if you wish. We are having an issue with a nurse diverting narcotics on our unit but I have not heard much discussion about it. We have a new grad but she works on another floor, our sister unit upstairs. If you are with our group, I would like to know because this situation is not acceptable and I would be more than willing to help out with this. I work on 5 west 3-11 charge.