Taking PAX-RN today at college of Dupage anyone else?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Sorry for the late post. But is anyone else taking the Pax today? I'm starting to feel the crunch !

I believe it was the same deadline. The letter comes in a regular size envelope in regular mail. Or late January. I remember there was a snow storm that pushed it to Feb 1. I emailed Brenda to get some info on applicants etc. So hopefully tomorrow I'll know something.

But how can that be? Our deadline is Feb. 1. Would COD really be able to rank all of us in time for letters to be sent out two weeks later? (I sure hope so!)

I believe so. Waubonsee reviews them on a Friday and the letters are then sent the Monday after. From what I know from wcc they have the apps in piles. Like eligible, not eligible, so if they have a criterion I'm sure they just put you in the corresponding pile. That's at least my experience because wcc had a similar worksheet method. Also from what I know the accepted people go out first and then the nos. Because they didnt have a waitlist. From what I remember the person I know got the letter and told to pay by z date march. So I'm thinking the same thing applies yes first and then maybes later in march. Because there really isn't a time cramp. Also the nursing 1100 starts march 14 so you gotta be accepted fast to get into the class.

I still wonder who will be taking nursing 1100 during the spring semester since there is only one available section with 25 spots. I know that many people (myself included) are already registered for classes that may already be meeting during those times.

I don't think you are assigned to any class. The student i talked to said when they went register it was for both summer and spring. Which is good. I don't think id take then because of the CNA but for others it's good plus they can be off the summer. I think they do for the amount of people. Hey my guess is as good as yours. Right now I've decided not to worry anymore and enjoy my letter and the time. Because it's going to be crazy.

Why does it seem as though we are the only 2 people posting on allnurses' COD threads? Where is everybody?

I know what you mean. I have posted numerous COD postings and no one responds.

Hey chicagoing. If you don't get in. I'm still knocking on wood for us. Have you ever considered applying to any of the other nursing programs?

If I don't get in to COD, I'll probably retake organic chemistry and apply to the UIC BSN. I am not considering Lewis, Resurrection, or any for-profit institution (since I should be able to get in somewhere more affordable based on my pre- and co-req grades). How about you?

Have you put any thoughts into the other programs at COD. Like the practical or lpn program? I was maybe considering it because they have a bridge but I don't like the job prospects.

I can't afford to go anywhere else. Sucks. I guess I'm thinking too much now that reality is setting in.

No, I'm not considering the LPN program since my goal is to become an RN. I honestly haven't thought about what I would do if I don't get in. I have very limited funds and it just isn't feasible to attend a private university such as Loyola, St. Xavier, DePaul, etc.

Do you by any chance know what the points range was for the Fall 2010 class?

They didnt use points. They used the Pax score only. My goal is to be an RN too but the lpn bridges you to the RN program. You get in faster and into the second year of nursing school.

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