Take this summer off or work as CNA???

Nurses Announcements Archive


Tell me what to do, I graduate May 2006, so this is my last summer not working. Should I work part-time this summer as CNA ( I haven't worked in the field before, only clinicals)? Or, do I enjoy the last summer off with my 3 young children? I can survive without the extra income. Would it be that helpful for school next year?

Specializes in Cardiology.

Ok I'm in your same boat. I'm leaning towards staying home with my son. Tough decision. I think you'll have to decide what's best for your situation. :)


Specializes in Med/Surge.

I would say if you don't need the income to stay home and enjoy the children. You are going to need that time with them b/c when you start NS your time is going to be very limited. :o

Good Luck

You only have one kid, you'll have a dozen jobs. If you feel comfortable in clinicals and can imagine that as a career then stay with your kid. I would love to be able to take the summer off but I am planning on working full time all summer so I can go on a nice trip before school starts in the fall. Plus I want to have all of the things that I have never been able to afford before now. I really want to go to the beach, I haven't been since I was a toddler. I am a college freshman now so yeah it's been a while. Myrtle Beach is looking pretty darn good. Have a great summer. :)

I agree, it's wonderful to be able to spend time with your children.. But... A lot is gained in CNA positions. :stone Myself, I need to work to pay for my school tuition, but I took a pay cut from my well-paying business job just so that I could work as a CNA. There's a definate division between the "ideal world" they try to teach you at clinicals, and the "real hospital world" (when the instructors and flocks of students are not around).

Also, not only do you gain additional experience, and get a chance to see things that you don't usually get to see at clinicals, but you are also networking yourself. The hospital I tech at is not the same I go to school at, so I am meeting new people, and learning different ways of doing things. I'm getting an opportunity to meet other RN's, nurse managers, lab technicians, and ancilliary staff that I would not have met during clinicals.

Working part time, if just a couple hours a week, should not interfere too much in your schedule. (It's probably still going to feel like a big vacation compared to being in school!) And you may benefit greatly by making these contacts that can offer you a great position when you graduate!

*shrug* It's totally up to you. We can't make a decision for you -everyone's situation is unique- but I'm just giving my :twocents: .

Best of luck to you!


Stay home with your kids :)

My nurse mentor gave me the same advice when I was in school and I've never regretted it.


I had to make this choice last year. There was a great student nurse intern position at the ER, and I really wanted to do it. But, I chose to just stay home with my 3 kids and be mom over the summer. I did not regret it. Sure, the other students that worked over the summer did have a small amount of additional exposure to some things, but I had that time with my kids. I will get that information and experience in the future, I have no doubt of that. But my kids will only be 10, 8 and 3 just once. And I may be working the next summer - so that may have been my last summer at home. (I think I'll take this summer off too- and look for a job in September when kids go back to school).

Haven't regretted it at all. :rotfl:

Take the summer off and be with your kids!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Psych.

Another vote for taking the summer off and spending it with your children. I don't think you will regret it.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

I'd choose to take the summer off if money wasn't an issue.

I'm working, even though I don't have to. Although it's through my school's student nurse program so, it's not just CNA stuff.

I feel the experience is invaluble because I learn so much in the hospital. So, that's why I'm doing it.


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