First i studied for 2 months Saunders + Hurst (tried la-carity but 3 days prior to exam..too late to knew it).....was very helpful, was also watching Brian (bramesvin) from youtube ...great you passed recently...sad to say i took my exam (Nclex Rn) last dec 2010 i failed ...(trick was for real) i stopped at 265 ...was so hard ...i knew i failed coz i gave up on the exam on No. 200+ and up had around (30 SATA and problem solving)... i was not ready to have that exam that long ...i got my results all was near passing....i gave my self a break im going to study again...sked. my exam this coming May...studying again hurst and Saunders..(la charity ,exam cram and princeton )....will start today .......its so hard to start really.....but reading all nurses threads is keeping on the go and of course my wife and god.....i also register to take the NCLEX-pn exam (still waiting for the ATT)...Im doing it just to gage my self if i pass nclex-pn...thats the sign i could take my nlcex-rn......well ...wish me luck and hope we all pass on our upcoming challenges....:)