Topics About 'Stool'.

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Found 16 results

  1. Stool???

    HI, this question is a little embarassing for me to ask....but what all could it mean after I go to the rest room and I wipe my behind and a small amount of blood is on the toliet paper? It does not happen every time I go to the rest room. it happen...
  2. Smells like...

    So I've been a nurse 3 years and have worked med/surg all of that three years. During those three years I've smelt a lot more than I ever imagined however the other day encountered something new...stool that smells like burnt rubber. Any idea what co...
  3. Hello, I'm a nurse intern in my last semester of RN school at a large community hospital on a neuro/ med-surg unit. As a tech/ intern I am doing a lot of diaper changes and peri care. I've seen a disturbing trend: pts who are 5 days or so into t...
  4. mom4josh

    Green stool

    Does anyone know what would cause a stool to be green and 'fuzzy' looking, kind of like algae? The patient hasn't started any new meds, has no s/s of any GI disorder, not taking iron supplements. She said it just started and I had no answers as to ...
  5. Hospitals employees have many different ways of combating offensive odors produced by patients' bodies. The odors may be due to infectious diarrhea, necrotic infections, or excessive body fat. We've all been in that situation many times, and we've ...
  6. I will spare you all the story (unless you really want to know) but the ER sent a patient to my floor. Well, he was rather messy, and during the clean up, we noticed that there was this white, sand like substance in this guys stool. The stool itself ...
  7. Pt stool smells like fish

    Where I work we have many long-term pt's. Three of them ALWAYS have stools that are soft and always smell strongly of a fishy iodine type smell. is this c diff? I had asked if it was c diff and someone said that one of them had been tested for it twi...
  8. I just started working my first job as an LPN for a Home Health Agency. I have one client who I take care of in the mornings before I go to my full time office job. This client has paralysis and requires a bowel program each morning in which I have t...
  9. Clear bowel movement / stool

    In a posting with no additional activity since 2009, I found descriptions similar to what my wife is experiencing JUST TODAY. So, since that post was "unresolved" (not concluded in a meaningful way), I figured it might be worthwhile to revive it. ...
  10. Clear stools?

    There is a lady in our LTC who has recently had a stroke. When we take care of her and roll her over to clean her up, there is like a clear gel looking substance in her brief. Could it be clear stool? I've never heard of such a thing, and I don't rem...
  11. Stool transfer?

    or transplant? I have a LTC patient with chronic c-diff. As soon as the Flagyl tx stoped starts with loose stools again. Already treated with Vanco. Doc also has him on Lactinex and yeast. Doc mentioned poss stool transplant? Any info on this. ...
  12. Weighting diaper with stool

    Hi, I have a question about weighting diaper. I looked into my nursing books and searched this forum but to no avail. If I have a diaper to weight and there is also stool in it, do you weight with the stool? or remove the stool first before weig...
  13. Had a patient today... 90-some year old, demented LOL. Came in with an H&H of around 7 & 21. Had her colonoscopy today. Of course, I am the one who gets chewed out for her not drinking her go-lytely last night. :stone Gave her a fleets & ...
  14. Stool transplant???

    We had a rep from our ID department come to a unit staff meeting to talk about infection control and she told us about a patient on another unit who was treated with antibiotics for C Diff for months unsucessfully. Finally they tried a "stool transpl...
  15. Stool Sampling

    Here is a question, please let me know your thoughts about this: When taking a stool sample out of a plastic "hat" that was placed in the toilet in preparation for a specimen leukocyte c diff and culture testing would you scoop it out with a ste...
  16. Coffee Ground Looking Stool

    Okay, here is the question. I am a nursing student, I graduate in May but I haven't really had to deal with this. My own husband, who is 29, has been having some abdominal pain and this evening he asked me to look at his stool which looked very much ...