Topics About 'Respect'.

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Found 5 results

  1. Ruby Vee

    Don't You Just Love It?

    Don't you just love it when someone posts a "homework question"? Something like "Why are all doctors so obnoxious?" or "What do you do about lazy CNAs?", but with no context? If it's a real question, you would expect that there would at least be some...
  2. This is something that I wrote for a class while I was in Nursing School. I came across it again and decided to post it and see what the reaction would be. Fire away, all responses or opinions will be welcomed, none will be taken personally. American...
  3. How to Command Respect

    How do nurses respond when they find themselves in the disfavor of a physician? What can nurses do to command the respect of the physicians that they work with? Why is the opinion of physicians of importance? The key words, here, are "command respect...
  4. The Blue Gown Syndrome

    This professional battle often leads me to reflect on how my learning will impact patients. More so, this reflection time allows me to acknowledge gaps and become a stronger bedside nurse as well as a fellow leader. There are many areas of nursi...
  5. Overworked!Always overworked no matter where I have worked but sometimes I think we don't actually acknowledge or identify when we are not! I find that being bored is hard work too. LOL! UnderpaidWell I don't really think I am underpaid but would nev...