Topics About 'Patient Education'.

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Found 18 results

  1. Migraine headaches are a chronic condition affecting about 12% of the US population. Migraines are nearly three times more common in women than men. Frequent migraine headaches can cause poor quality of life due to missing work and family events. Hav...
  2. The first thing that comes to mind when your doctor explains you will be receiving chemotherapy is likely, "Will it make me sick?". The fear of nausea and vomiting while going through chemotherapy is widespread. Nausea and vomiting are among many che...
  3. Stop Living On the Edge! "Why is it that some days, if someone looks at me the wrong way, I get a migraine; other days, it's the weather, and another day it is lack of sleep? My friend develops a headache when she misses lunch. There's no rhyme n...
  4. Amanda Shamp

    How to Perform Your Own Skin Exam

    Skin cancer is very common- it is estimated that 1 in 5 Americans will be diagnosed in their lifetime. The good news is, skin cancer is very treatable if caught early on, and all you need to perform your own skin exam is yourself and a mirror! W...
  5. Importance of Education Dialysis is a lifesaving therapy. Patients who understand their disease process and the impacts of dialysis on their disease process and quality of life may experience positive outcomes and an increased life expectancy. E...
  6. Kid, you made my day!

    You don't have to be a nurse to appreciate my story. You don't even have to believe in vaccines. Because this story is about a young man who took charge of his life and made important decisions that would provide lifelong benefit to his health and ot...
  7. Nursing is a profession that entails not only caring for patients, but also educating and advocating for patients, because nurses save and uphold one’s life. I am a pain management clinical nurse. Concerns as a Pain Management Nurse As a pai...
  8. I know, I know! Stop rolling your eyes! In today’s world, the information overload for health is overwhelming, not to mention confusing and contradictory. What is the healthiest diet … Keto, Paleo, Mediterranean, Plant-Based? How much should ...
  9. What is a Bunionectomy? Patients may rely on the experience of a family member or friend who was up and walking on the day of surgery or, to the contrary, was laid up for weeks. The recovery process is individual and should be discussed with the ...
  10. Educating Patients

    My patient, Frank, was a diabetic. Many of his health problems stemmed from his lack of education about controlling his blood sugar. Without intervention, Frank would have become a more unstable diabetic. His demeanor was apathetic. He did not unders...
  11. Nurses must relay important information to colleagues and supervisors, doctors and healthcare providers, patients, and concerned family members. Developing effective communication skills is a key element of a successful nursing career in healthcare. ...
  12. Nurses rattle off acronyms and big words like it's their job - well, actually it is! But, when those big words get in the way of your patient understanding what's going on with their health, it's a problem. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care ...
  13. Why would a registered nurse explain this? Why not a dermatologist?
  14. At a recent annual check-up, your doctor ordered several blood tests, including vitamin D. To your surprise, the doctor informed you that your vitamin D was low. How could this be? You live in a sunny part of the country. Even if you live in a tropic...
  15. X-rays, CTs, MRIs, and ultrasounds are all used to capture images of the internal structure of the body. As a nurse, it is common for patients to ask why they are receiving one type of imaging test over another. In order to educate patients, it is im...
  16. Patient education is influencing a change in the patient's knowledge, habits and attitudes, and observing a change in their behavior. Patient education is crucial because it builds rapport and trust between the provider and the patient while encourag...
  17. Kristi Van Winkle

    Pushing Back on a "Pill for every Ill"

    Polypharmacy has swept the country. More than 40 percent of older Americans regularly take five or more prescription drugs, and nearly 20 percent take 10 or more. In addition to side effects, many medicines disrupt key nutrients in the body. There's ...
  18. As nurses, we often want to "fix" patient's problems. But, the reality is that when we spoon feed our patient's solutions to their health problems, the likelihood of failure is high. Patients who are committed to change, succeed. It is as simple as t...