Topics About 'Nursing Spirituality'.

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  1. This brought up much discussion about whether or not offering prayer falls within the scope of the nurse while providing spiritual care. Is it appropriate for nurses or doctors to pray with patients? Should a nurse ever offer to pray with a...
  2. Imagine, if you will, emerging from the best sleep of your life and finding yourself in a strange land, surrounded by light and peace. Realizing that you have arrived at the gates of Heaven, you look around and note that there are other people here w...
  3. The Nurse's Guide to Observing Chanukkah

    I grew up in a very Jewish neighborhood in Pittsburgh. It was nothing for me to see Orthodox Jews walking to Temple on Saturday morning, wearing the long locks and black suits. Even as someone who grew up so closely with that culture, I still didn't ...
  4. tnbutterfly - Mary

    I am Afraid. Please Pray for Me.

    Many of us view the healthcare setting as a place of employment where we we are comfortable. To patients, however, this medical setting is a maze with frightening and uncertain twists and turns, ups and downs into which they have entered, usually not...
  5. Saying I'm Sorry

    I am writing because I wanted to tell you that I am sorry. I know that you didn't ask for that. You just went in for a routine procedure that was supposed to change your life. It did change your life-just not in the way that you planned, I know. You ...
  6. I looked around at the people in the waiting room, wondering... what's wrong with that lady? Does she have cancer? Poor thing. Then I thought... Gee... Maybe she's wondering the same thing about me. I wanted to reassure her that I was not really sick...
  7. tnbutterfly - Mary

    Spiritual Beliefs and End of Life Care

    According to a study published this week in the journal of the American Medical Association, "cancer patients who rely on their faith to handle the stresses of serious illness and approaching death are more likely to receive aggressive care when they...