Topics About 'Nursing Professionalism'.

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  1. Where do I begin? I have been following this site for years and it has been a source of both comfort and anxiety. The following describes my ordeal handling a complaint against my nursing license. I was almost physically sick as I read page afte...
  2. - A colleague makes a disparaging remark about a political candidate that you like. - A patient makes a racial slur against a national leader while you are caring for them. - An offensive political television show is on while you are making...
  3. TheCommuter

    Face Your Fears

    First of all, let's start off with a workable definition of fear, which is one of the most primitive emotions that affects us today. Fear is an emotional response to a perceived threat or impending danger that results in an urgent need to get away fr...
  4. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'RE JUST A NURSE JUST a nurse. I am JUST a nurse. No big deal, had I been more adventurous maybe I would have gone to medical school. These thoughts are the thoughts of many, including myself, which I have over heard for years...
  5. Interesting way to manage patients

    Read the the rest of the story.
  6. One of my sweet patients, a gentleman in his late 80s, died not too long ago. To keep things short and sweet, I will leave out the major details surrounding his demise. I wish to guard the man's final moments on this earth while upholding his honor a...