Topics About 'Nurse As Patient'.

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Found 6 results

  1. You have been pregnant for nine months, hopefully (actually 10 for you OB nurses), and you are impatiently waiting for the big day. This time it won't be Braxton Hicks contractions; fingers crossed, it will be the real thing—labor! Hooray! You h...
  2. VivaLasViejas

    Nurse, Heal Thyself!

    This year, we got a double whammy: at the same time we were under siege by the norovirus, a nasty little upper-respiratory specimen arrived on the scene that promptly attacked those who hadn't yet contracted the double-ender. So whoever wasn't puking...
  3. I, Patient

    She bled one month after a surgery done to keep her baby from coming out too soon. She had been on bed rest ever since the cerclage. Day and night, she holds on to her rosary, whispering a prayer every chance she gets. She talks to her baby while her...
  4. luvRNs

    Murphy's Law Experienced

    Kinetic energy carried me forward into the saddlehorn, and I suffered an open book fracture of my pelvis. My horse, alarmed at falling behind the others, began to gallop again. I decided it was time to bail off, and tried to control my fall to the gr...
  5. The Nurse on the Other Side

    Me...the PatientYou thought I didn't notice the fake, tight smile you gave me, but I did. I heard the edge of irritation in your voice and saw the roll of your eyes as you turned away. And, for future reference, your mouth does funny things when you'...
  6. I looked around at the people in the waiting room, wondering... what's wrong with that lady? Does she have cancer? Poor thing. Then I thought... Gee... Maybe she's wondering the same thing about me. I wanted to reassure her that I was not really sick...