Topics About 'Nicu'.

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Found 25 results

  1. One in every 10 infants born in the United States is preterm, meaning they are born before 37 weeks gestation. Many of these babies have birth defects, low birth weight, and other conditions requiring special care from neonatal intensive care unit (N...
  2. Is a career change worth it?

    I have been a nurse in oncology for 2 years now. In my 20's. I was on nights for a year and then I became dayshift. I've been days for 6 months now and although it's busier, I enjoy having a normal sleep schedule. I have a similar schedule to my...
  3. One of the great things about my job is welcoming new life and watching miracles happen almost every day. Nearly every day I fall in love with at least one of the babies and/or new families in my care, and more often than not, it's all of them. Howev...
  4. ( My English it's not 100%, thank you for your patience. ) I was young, that was my second job. I had graduated from nursing school a little more than a year before that night, I was 20 years old. Ever since I pass my initial exam to enter nursing sc...
  5. Thank you for the feed back. I have now been training in the nicu now for a little over two months and it hasn’t gotten any better. I was really hopeful that it was going to be a better environment for me to work in. My preceptor is really nice ...
  6. Nurse's NICU Guide to Respiratory Distress Syndrome

    Respiratory Distress Syndrome is one of the more common reasons for a newborn's admission to the NICU. Two of the most commonly seen forms of respiratory distress in newborns are respiratory distress caused by surfactant deficiency and respiratory di...
  7. Too often, nursing students are abruptly dropped off at the NICU door, handed a scrub sponge, and abandoned by their nursing instructor, who is equally petrified of what lies beyond the glass-paneled door... We all know that students rarely get a gli...
  8. The Use of Music Therapy in the NICU

    For centuries music has been used as a way for people to express joy, pain, excitement, sorrow, and many other emotions. Music is woven into the very fabric of our lives, running itself through the veins of our society. Music has also been an integra...
  9. The Story of Nathan - 42 Years Later...

    I graduated from Buffalo General Hospital School of Nursing in June of 1975. It was a 3 year hospital based program that no longer exists. After working night shift in a very small rural hospital as a graduate nurse for 3 months I was hired for my "d...
  10. Elvish

    What Keeps Me Coming Back

    I'm a mother/baby nurse and proud to be one. Compared to lots of units, we mother/baby folks might be considered lucky to have such 'cake' jobs, and some days I'd agree. Other days I leave work exhausted, with sore feet, sore back, dry mouth, empty s...
  11. Three years ago in late 2019, the first case of what we now call COVID-19 was diagnosed. Several months later, a global pandemic was declared, with the Novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreading quickly across the planet1. From the scarcit...
  12. Elvish

    Grieving a perinatal loss

    When I tell people I'm a mother-baby nurse, the usual reaction is, "Oh, what a great [fun, exciting, happy, insert positive adjective here] job that must be!" Sometimes, that's a true statement. But what most people don't realize (or if they do, they...
  13. Nurse Writing Nook

    I'm Too Tired to Cry | Life of a Nurse

    Let’s go back to the beginning All of that crying started right out of nursing school. That first year of nursing was hard, but those first few months were incredibly tough. Three months of orientation and I would cry and/or throw up before each ...
  14. Running off Grief

    It's with sad irony that I power up the treadmill in the gym exactly 24 hours after I started chest compressions on you. You were my first patient loss. Being new to the NICU (though not new to nursing), I know you won't be my last. I forced myself d...
  15. NICU Nurses Are Not Nannies

    I work in pediatrics because I love kids and I moved to the NICU because I love babies however, the lack of parental involvement is shocking and frustrating. I am leaving the bedside for good and one of the reasons is because I didn’t get into ...
  16. Every Life Has A Purpose

    She had been born the afternoon before with a left diaphragmatic hernia, and although I knew that her prognosis was grim, I was amazed at how beautiful she looked, her skin, her hair, her little rosebud mouth, just a beautiful full-term baby, who was...
  17. Overview Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is extremely specialized and runs the gamut from the stable neonate to the extremely ill infant. NICU nurses are intensive care nurses of the smallest patients. Their work environment usual...
  18. Some women who deliver at my hospital have been there for days, weeks, or months already as antepartum patients and they are cognizant of the fact that their baby will be in NICU for at least some time. Others come to the hospital in preterm labor th...
  19. Afraid To Kill An Angel's Life

    I mean, how did OR and NICU intertwine?! I asked them I did not have any experience before on that area. They said it's okay you're still young and you will learn. I, on the other hand, did not say anything about it because they are the one who's hir...
  20. Elvish

    It's your turn now, nurse!

    I am an OB nurse; I do mother/baby, newborn nursery, and high-risk antepartum nursing. I'm used to being the one in control. I'm used to doing the teaching, reading the monitor strips, and reassuring the fears of many an anxious mama (pregnant or del...
  21. Heather Cresswell

    Teaching Parents About RSV

    Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)2 is the center of a lot of media attention right now. The fuss, we nurses know, is long overdue. So, any other nurses with a sense of "well yes...this is what we have been trying to tell you, forever!"? Well, t...
  22. Hi Everyone! New Grad RN here just venting... A little background about me...I recently graduated with my ADN in May 2022 and I worked as an extern in a level 3 NICU during my last semester of nursing school. I felt that my extern experience was...
  23. Current research in NICUs across the nation focuses on new medications, treatments for old trolls such as chronic lung disease, RDS, necrotizing enterocolitis, kangaroo care, etc etc...but barely a mention of transports. In performing a review of lit...
  24. Challenges of working in the NICU?

    Hello, I'm a nursing student interested in NICU nursing. There are so many things about it that I feel like sound like a dream job, but I'm also trying to think critically about the challenges as well. One thing that has stood out to me is the s...
  25. Video: CNN's Brooke Baldwin shares a story from her friend and coworker Chelsea McGinnis, who recently delivered premature twins but can't take them home because of coronavirus. Brooke Baldwin brought to tears by colleague's harrowing story