Topics About 'Hiv'.

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Found 6 results

  1. The Leighis Chronicles

    Facing Evil: A Woman from Chadwicks - Part Six

    The Leighis ChroniclesTo read the story from the beginning, go to How One Doctor Gave Life to Many and How One of Those People Made That Life Worth Living - Part One A Woman from Chadwicks (Part Six)Evil comes in many forms. Sometimes, evil includes...
  2. According to amfAR (2021), each week 5,500 women aged 15–24 years old become newly infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). World AIDS Day is on December first. On this day, it's important to recognize that HIV is a viral disease that still ...
  3. An insidious killer has attacked an estimated 170 million people globally and continues to lurk in the shadows. As a nurse, nursing student, other type of healthcare worker, or member of the public, you have undoubtedly encountered people who have th...
  4. For whatever reason, they didn't go, because within a couple hours the sick woman was called into the room where I was assisting one of the nurses. Her daughter, in her early 20s, followed. The weakened woman, in her second term of pregnancy, was als...
  5. AIDS Awareness Month is OctoberThis diagnosis still carries a stigma - how did you get it, how sick are you, can I be near you or live in the same household and not contract it? According to the CDC, approximately 1.2 million US residents, over the a...
  6. Nurse Beth

    Fifth HIV Patient Cured

    There seems to be a long-awaited cure for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS. While HIV has declined in the US recently, approximately 1.2 million people were living with HIV in 2021. Globally, about 38.4 million peo...