Topics About 'Health And Wellness'.

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Found 24 results

  1. Migraine headaches are a chronic condition affecting about 12% of the US population. Migraines are nearly three times more common in women than men. Frequent migraine headaches can cause poor quality of life due to missing work and family events. Hav...
  2. Mindfulness At Work

    There has always been an expectation for a nurse to become good at multitasking to be proficient and productive. But science has proven our brains are not designed to focus on more than one thing at a time, and doing so is at the expense of the very ...
  3. Kate Chamberlin RN BSN

    How Does Screen Time Impact Your Health?

    The amount of time individuals spend interacting with digital devices, known as screen time, can have negative effects on health. In the United States, the average person spends over 7 hours a day on the internet across all devices, with some spendin...
  4. Laura-Lee Nuttall

    Coffee: Friend or Foe?

    The mere mention of coffee can make one imagine their favourite mug, the swirl of cream and sugar, and that irresistible aroma. Coffee is a friend that helps pull you out of bed in the morning with its promise of warmth and energy, just a few sips aw...
  5. International Travel is Growing Again For some, this is a long-awaited relief! They have been waiting to hop on a plane to wherever, whenever! For some, it is the chance to finally see that family member again. Maybe for some, it is a dreaded nec...
  6. Stop Living On the Edge! "Why is it that some days, if someone looks at me the wrong way, I get a migraine; other days, it's the weather, and another day it is lack of sleep? My friend develops a headache when she misses lunch. There's no rhyme n...
  7. Amanda Shamp

    How to Perform Your Own Skin Exam

    Skin cancer is very common- it is estimated that 1 in 5 Americans will be diagnosed in their lifetime. The good news is, skin cancer is very treatable if caught early on, and all you need to perform your own skin exam is yourself and a mirror! W...
  8. Dr Georgianna Donadio

    The Complexity of Human Nutrition

    With the worldwide web, it has never been easier to find information on achieving sustainable levels of health and wellness, as well as managing chronic disease. Thanks to the internet and the ongoing efforts of scientists, medical researchers, and h...
  9. LoriBrabant

    Sober Curious Living

    If you like waking up well-rested and clear-minded and hangover free, and you do not like having to worry about getting a designated driver or an uber because you had a couple of cocktails at a party, then perhaps you are part of the wellness-minded,...
  10. Dr Georgianna Donadio

    Dog Therapy As Good Medicine For Seniors

    One of the most popular and rapidly growing alternative modalities to help seniors retain their health and prevent the development or progression of both physical and mental conditions, is Animal Therapy. Dogs are the leaders in providing the succor ...
  11. Nurses are in a caring profession and therefore tend to put others' needs ahead of themselves. Perhaps that is part of the reason nurses remain #1 as the most trusted profession, according to the 2022 Gallup poll results. This usually leads to leavin...
  12. Unique Benefits of Exercise

    We all hear about the benefits of exercise, and for many of us as nurses, it is part of our job to encourage patients to stay active. All people are different, and therefore they all have different motivating factors. Some people might desire the m...
  13. Dr Georgianna Donadio

    Consequences of Loneliness

    Loneliness and IsolationNaturally, all of us have experienced the feeling of loneliness and isolation at one time or another. This in and of itself is not a bad thing. Taking time to retire from the cares and stresses of our busy lives can serve as a...
  14. I routinely talk with patients about what they do for their physical activity, and walking is a frequent response. However, the amount of walking my patients report is highly variable. I had one patient tell me they get up to open the door and let th...
  15. Almost two years later, COVID-19 continues to take its toll on every aspect of life. Healthcare workers continue to report feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and irritable1. Burnout, according to the World Health Organization, can be characterized as "f...
  16. Stressed? Just Breathe

    Several years ago, I was working as a bedside nurse in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I had just had an uncomfortable and confrontational conversation with my patient's mother. She was rightfully upset about aspects of her baby's care that were outs...
  17. Somehow, I found myself starting a new job AGAIN. Following my husband's career around the country had turned me into an expert at starting new nursing jobs. This time I had landed a spot in an outpatient endoscopy clinic. It turned out that working ...
  18. Catrina Annis

    Help, My Child Has Head Lice!

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it's estimated that up to 12 million children get head lice each year in the United States. Head lice are very treatable and relatively easy to treat. What Are Lice? Lice ar...
  19. MasterStreet

    I Almost Forgot About Me

    My fellow nurses, I have a question for you. Do you ever think that many of our jobs require so much, too much of our time that they just kind of take over your life? Many of us work over 60 to 70 hours a week or more. It leaves little time to do any...
  20. I have never really paid attention to the power of my subconscious mind sabotaging me, even though intuitively I knew something was holding me back from growing my business to the level that I desire. I remember so clearly in high school feeling...
  21. The Well-Being of Nurses Everywhere Over the last several years, nurses have come together and battled more than most other professions. We've stared COVID-19 in the face while helping our patients fight off other illnesses like the flu and RSV. ...
  22. Carol Ebert

    A New Life Review for YOU

    What are you grateful for from all your experiences in nursing that have made you the person you are now, and even set the stage for the person you will be tomorrow when you no longer report to work every day? It's all about doing a life review of wh...
  23. Dr Georgianna Donadio

    The Passion Diet

    One of the frustrating aspects of health information that we hear the most from consumers is that just when you think you’ve got a handle on what you are supposed to do to be healthy – the information changes. For example, not long ago those of ...
  24. LoriBrabant

    Good Sleep Hygiene and Health

    What is good sleep hygiene, and why should we care? Good sleep hygiene entails regular practices that set us up for restorative sleep. Restorative sleep is a crucial element of good health. We need to examine the behaviors and habits that influence g...