Topics About 'Career Choices'.

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Found 17 results

  1. Gilbert Changed Me

    It led to my limping and stopped cycling. But it led to something good... for me. I became a patient when my leg fractured, I heard triage team calling it compound fracture. I was conscious; saw villagers moving up and down, ambulance sirens and seri...
  2. I Will Talk, You Just Listen

    Nursing school was the goal, discovering who I am and the qualities I possess is what I received on the journey. When I got out of high school, I went into college bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to take on the world, most importantly the medical...
  3. My mother, an extraordinarily healthy and physically fit little lady of 83, had never had any encounters with the medical system as a patient except for the delivery of her four daughters. She was gaining fluid in her abdomen and that lead us to look...
  4. Nurses: Remember The Calling?

    Will I make a medication error, or will someone not receive the care they deserve because of my patient load. Will I remember the patient at the very end of the hall? Will I meet the needs of my patient, physically and emotionally. Or will I be stron...
  5. Ever wonder if you are having a mid-life crisis? Well,I am in the throes of one! I have found myself questioning if there is a difference between having a mid-life crisis, and having a "nervous breakdown." Over the last few years, I have definitely q...
  6. traumaRUs

    Yikes I'm Getting Old!

    We all must face it - we are aging. Oh yeah, when I was 20, 30, even 40, heck I was NOT going to get old. I was going to keep learning, stay current with evidence based practices and be on TOP! However, there was something else in store for me: many ...
  7. In 2003, my parents moved from Maryland to New Jersey. They were looking forward to the move. They were right across the river from NYC, my mother had accepted a great job, and they were excited about being able to go to the Broadway shows, dine out,...
  8. Mommy Will Be There

    I was in the first grade when I had to get my tonsils out. I was probably six or seven. My mom was an evening shift worker and when I went to sleep she was there but once I awoke, she was gone. I was crying and this nurse (I use the term loosely, she...
  9. A small cot was placed next to her bed, so I could sleep beside her. In the middle of the night, my mother's small voice called for me to get the nurses (no call button then), the foul smell invaded the room and it hit me hard enough to wake me out o...
  10. Her mother and her sister had to leave the country for the much needed medical attention for her sister's leg (open comminuted multiple fractures on her right lower extremity) which according to relatives she could get from the United States of Ameri...
  11. I got married right out of high school, to a boy that I believed was THE ONE. Money was tight, and time for nursing school was out of the question. So, I decided that I would go to be a Medical Assistant. In 4 short months, I learned the BASICS of a ...
  12. I've been asked the same question by members of, real-life coworkers, and even some of my own family members: "Why aren't you interested in working at a major hospital?" My relatively short nursing career consists of experience in long ...
  13. From a happy and lucky Nurse

    When I first came to the USA 4 years ago I really didn't think I would do Nursing. First of all I didn't know any English, second I thought I needed to go to a Nursing School again. For about 2 years I just worked as a volunteer in different places. ...
  14. When Pigs Fly

    I received this art egg after Sr. Mary* passed away. She was a Nun; a very lovely, full of life Nun. She lived life with zest. She had a smile that you knew she was up to something. She saw my transition from new c.n.a. to graduated LPN. I have now b...
  15. My First Love Was Writing

    Looking back, I think the reason for this was that growing up in a big family, and I being the 7th, with all my other siblings older and their ages closer to each other, made me turn to express myself on paper. I thought a writer I will be in the fut...
  16. Long Term Care Nursing

    I was "high power" for 20 years. I lived the fast lane at Rush University Medical Center, U of Illinois Hospital and Clinics, and 13 years at Loyola University Medical Center. Suddenly, in 2001, my life changed. I was not happy about it. I missed the...
  17. Accounting, computer software, engineering, teaching, professional sports writter, business owner. I could go anywhere, do anything. I was always attracted to nursing on some level though. I really had no definealbe reason to be. Most people I talked...