Topics About 'Broward'.

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  1. In 1959, Broward College, a public institution, was established. In 2012, Broward College was named one of the top 10 percent of community colleges in the nation by the Washington D.C.-based Aspen Institute. Broward College is based internationa...
  2. HEY FUTURE NURSES Hope all is well. Has anyone here applied to the Summer 2023 Nursing program at Broward college?
  3. Hello! I just wanted to make a thread for nursing program at BC for this coming Fall semester. I passed the Hesi last week after 4 days of studying. (Got tired of studying the Elvesier book so I took my chances) My overall score: 85%. My lowest score...
  4. This is for anyone applying for the upcoming semester thats planning to apply or just wants to talk.
  5. Broward College Nursing Spring 2023

    Hey guys! Did anyone receive any updates about their application? I know they said “within 30 days after the deadline closes” but I didn’t expect it’d take this long 😅
  6. Broward College Fall 2020

    Anyone Applying to the fall 2020 Nursing program at broward college , that is getting ready to take or have taken the HESI ?
  7. Broward College Spring 2021

    Hey guys! Anyone planning on applying for the January/Spring 2021 start date at Broward? I know the applications just opened up.