Topics About 'Alzheimers'.

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Found 9 results

  1. It started as a lark -- I got a free all-in-one printer with my new computer. Mom's photo album was just sitting there in my dining room, waiting for me to decide what I wanted to do with it, so just for kicks, I scanned a photograph or two. or sixte...
  2. Chocolate Anyone???

    Maybe she would win the contest at the nursing home. I smiled when I saw her, she had chocolate smeared all over her face and hands. I was pleased that she had enjoyed herself so much. I asked her "Is that good?" She nodded yes and said, "you can hav...
  3. A Patient Who Changed My Life

    Having had a Home Health Aide with a certificate from the American Red Cross, I worked with the elderly in their homes and Assisted Living facilities and I loved it. For 5 years I had a lovely client who became very dear to me and I enjoyed taking go...
  4. A Mother's Touch

    There is a place in everyone's heart that will always remember "Mom"...the touch of a gentle hand that is placed on our foreheads when we are running a fever, a kleenex swiped across our tiny noses when we have a cold, a hand that reaches out to us w...
  5. Approximately 5.7 Americans of all ages are living with Alzheimer's currently. 5.5 million people are over the age of 65 years and there are approximately 200,000 individuals under the age of 65 who have early-onset Alzheimer's. These numbers are exp...
  6. Mid-Shift Shower

    All names have been changed and some words are misspelled for pronunciation purposes and curse words have been changed or left out. She talked about dances they would be going to, hay rides, walks along the river, school and other things like that. W...
  7. The Mystery of the Denture Bandit(s)

    This went on for several weeks, so I took it upon myself to put the dentures in all of the patient's mouths who could not do so their self, and I did daily random denture checks. I would make my way checking and talking to my denture patients just to...
  8. My mother's face stares back at me from the mirror these days. Each birthday brings new aches and pains, plus there's usually a new symptom or two that make it a requirement to go in to the doctor every three months for "maintenance". And then comple...
  9. Dementia Can Kill You!!

    One assignment will never leave my mind; it was quite a horrible experience! They called and offered me a job working at 3 pm until 11 pm, for three evenings in a row. They assured me it was an "easy" assignment taking care of a ninety-something-year...