Topics About 'Abuse'.

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Found 8 results

  1. This article was written by a member on allnurses in response to reading the article Hospitals Firing Seasoned Nurses: Nurses FIGHT Back! . Due to the controversial and emotionally charged nature of the article, she is afraid of retribution if her h...
  2. I remember the first time I had visible bruises on my arms, neck, and chest. I tried my best to hide them with long sleeves, even in the summer months. I made excuses. I told people I fell or bumped into a doorframe. I came up with any story that wou...
  3. Years ago - decades, actually - I found myself at the side of a road, neck bruised from my then-husband's attempts to strangle me and with nothing but the clothes I was wearing and my dog. I was lucky - Alice, a new friend drove 300 miles to pick me ...
  4. I’m Disgusted and Disturbed

    I had an event happen last night that completely disturbed me and I haven’t slept because of it. I’m using this forum to unload and possibly help. I work a psych hospital as an admissions coordinator. I obviously can’t give a ton of details. We accep...
  5. How to Command Respect

    How do nurses respond when they find themselves in the disfavor of a physician? What can nurses do to command the respect of the physicians that they work with? Why is the opinion of physicians of importance? The key words, here, are "command respect...
  6. I am sure all reading are thinking that they would never tolerate any such behavior. But do you? Think of the unconscious post op that comes in with bizarre tattoos or piercings. Remember that head patient screaming, fighting, spitting and punching t...
  7. Elder abuse comes in many forms. However, most people believe that patients are safe at the hands of their nurse. This might be why the story out of Pennsylvania feels so jarring. Ashley Ann Smith, a 30-year-old licensed practical nurse, has been acc...
  8. I am not a positive person by nature. Unlike naturally positive people, I have to work at it. I want to be positive. I feel better when I am positive, but sometimes the negative bug bites me and won't let go. I am a voracious reader of psychology and...