Published Aug 28, 2019
56 Posts
Hello all! I am currently in my last class before i start the nursing program and i purchased the eBook for class. I'm having a hard time reading on the computer, i can use my phone but i find it kind of small. My question is if i invest in a tablet or iPad will i most likely use it for nursing school or is it just kind of a waste? I don't want to waste a few hundred dollars on something i won't most likely use for anything. Thanks ?
88 Posts
I've been resistant to ebooks for years because I hate reading on the computer too and felt like I learned better reading a physical book, but I recently recently bought an etextbook for the first time and have been reading it on my ipad and WOW I am never going back! I read it in an app called Notability that allows you to highlight, take notes, and flag pages to return to. I highly recommend.
Rionoir, ADN, RN
674 Posts
I use ebooks exclusively because I can copy and paste things straight out of the book into my flash cards (Anki). It’s also easier to search for things with an ebook. I have both an iPad and an elitebook. I use my laptop more often but we take our tests on the iPad and it’s more handy to use the iPad when I’m just reading and not sitting at a table working. We are also required to get nursing central on our iPads which is a handy suite of nursing references.
Snatchedwig, BSN, CNA, LPN, RN
427 Posts
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