Survey for those who had 75 questions



Just because I am many had NCLEX recently and had 75 questions. How many passed? How many didnt? I took NCLEX today with 75. I am not freaking out, just passing the time, and thought it would be neat to see how many passed or failed with 75. I had mostly priorty, teaching, a couple delgation, no math, some dietary, and lots of infection control. As time goes on, I really feel that I answered more correctly than not.I didnt think I had really to many lower level type questions. Anyway, I was just curious and wanted to pass the time. Thanks to anyone who responds. Also, the lady at Pearson told me that my results should be posted tomorrow, instead of the ususal 48 hrs. Has this happened to anyone? Thanks again.

Specializes in geriatrics,emergency,hospice.

Thanks waitingforthedream and winsome08!! I still cant believe Im an

i also stopped with 75 questions but sad to say i failed..but no worries now and im trusting God with His plan..and decided to take suzanne's plan also..i know if others can do it then so can help me God for my next attempt..

Took the NCLEX on Feb 03, 75 questions and less than 24hrs after got my results, I passed. Started at 10:45am and got my results at about 8:30am the following morning. GOD was good to me. All Praises and thanks went to him.

I bought the NCSBN online review for 5 wks by the way, I did not get to go through half of it. I just could not do it, I was too tired of school work. I liked the little that I did though.

I too had take the exam yesterday it has 4 meds, lots of priority,delegate,health teaching,infection control and only 1 SATA and no calculations or hotspot, it stop at 75 ...the exam is really a brain storming and gives me a slight headache after...i really don't know if i pass coz it's really hard.....:crying2::crying2:

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