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About JeepDudeRN

JeepDudeRN has 10 years experience and specializes in geriatrics,emergency,hospice.


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  1. Relocating from florida to new york!!

    I too am relocating to New York from Florida. I just received my New York license. You have to apply to New York, send a transcript paper to your school for them to send to NY, and you have to send a paper to the Florida BON that they have to send to...
  2. Florida BON,,,NCLEX Results

    I ended up passing with 75 questions. Everything I had had, to do with assessement, priority and delegation. Who will you see first, and what will you do first, and of course who are you going to assign to do what. As far as meds go...every single on...
  3. Unemployement for New Graduate

    Hey there... I graduated in Jan and became licensed this past Feb. I was already working as a nurse intern at a local hospital. Im in Ocala. I was laid off. I have applied to every hospital in Marion and Citrus County and have had zero call backs. Lu...
  4. What is a day in the life of nursing like?

    Well I have been licensed now a little over a month... I havent been able to get a position in a hospital because locally they are not hiring new nurses right now, so I took a position in a sub acute rehab/nursing home. I get to work about 2:30p, and...
  5. What do the male nurses do to prevent sexual assault accusations?

    This is a very touchy subject, and sometimes I wonder if we are safe at all. When I was working as a tech in a nursing home, I was accused by a patient of having sex with her. I was in nursing school and saw my entire future go away before my eyes. I...
  6. Can't get a job as new RN

    Same story in Ocala. I graduated in January, and passed NCLEX in Feb. I started applying to hospitals before graduation and am still continuing to do so. No one wants to hire new grads/inexperienced RN's. I took a job in sub acute/LTC. Im happy with ...
  7. I Passed w/75 questions

    Congrats to you!!
  8. concentrate on saunder's 4th ed

    Defintely concentrate on Saunders. Do as many questions as you can, every day. Try to put a little more emphasis on priority, delegation, and infection control. You will see alot of this on the nclex. Good Luck.
  9. I really believe in Kaplan...

    Congrats New Nurse!!
  10. Ocala and surrounding area questions??

    Hey! I live and work in Ocala. I just graduated from nursing school, and passed NCLEX this month. I was working at West Marion/Ocala Regional as a nurse intern. I was laid off. After I got licensed, I called and was told there were no new grad postio...
  11. Binghamton Nurses

    Hi Donster, Thanks for the reply. I have been to Lourdes and its looks like a very nice hospital. I have heard they have a great graduate nurse program. I was hoping to start out there. I just passed the NCLEX last week, and Im licensed in Florida. I...
  12. Binghamton Nurses

    Hi, I am moving to Binghamton from Florida and was curious as to what the job outlook is like for RN's in Binghamton. Are there very many openings, or is the economy crunch hitting there to? If anyone in Binghamton or the surrounding area could provi...
  13. Survey for those who had 75 questions

    Thanks waitingforthedream and winsome08!! I still cant believe Im an
  14. Survey for those who had 75 questions

    LOL...I passed with 75...thank God. That was the hardest 48 hrs I've ever had. I found out I passed on Friday and started working on Monday and I am loving it! Thanks for asking!
  15. Hospital or LTC

    Hey Everyone, I first posted this in the grad nurse forum, but I thought I would try my fellow Florida nurses. I graduated last month, and passed NCLEX this week. I was recently laid off from the hospital,(as an intern) and the hospitals in my area w...