Study strategies!


What study strategies have worked most efficiently for you guys? Any tips?

Read all chapters and take notes while reading so you wont be bored and you can put things into your own words. Google the Cornell note taking method, i have used this in every class except for Pharmacology.

I would highly recommend flash cards and taking notes while listening/reading. That way you hear it, you write it, and you read it. So that's 3 things you can refer back to when needed. Flashcards helped me tremendously. You train your brain to remember these things. Oh and this will get you through nursing school but it won't really help you pass the NCLEX. But you can cross that bridge when you get there. Hope i could help. Best wishes!

Also to add to what i already said.. anytime you have problems on a test if you cant remember something from your notes literally ask yourself if and why your answer makes sense. If you can't confidently answer yourself and explain to yourself why you chose that answer you'd better reevaluate.

i read the whole thing and make my own stories, make it come alive that way i can remember it way better and faster. writing down also helps me.

Thanks everyone!!

Sign up for Quizlet. It helped me out so much. You can start a class and if you're the social type then get everyone in the class involved. Type of flash cards there and let people add information to them. It's a great thing to have!

That's what I'm using right this second to study, quizlet is awesome!

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

I only used quizlet for prerequisites, not nsg school.

Some things that has helped me are to record lectures (ask your instructors first to make sure they are ok with it), take copious notes (not just during lecture ), and type your notes to include notes from lectures, reading, etc. Having to retype everything helps get things in there a second time and gives you an electronic copy should your paper copies get damaged or lost.

After typing notes up, make flashcards for key concepts and terms. I usually would put them in card organizers or on a binder ring for quick moments (breaks, lunches, etc) to read.

I also use color coding to organize different subjects etc.

Form study groups to quiz each other, review materials, etc.

Practice and review as much as possible, but remember to recharge yourself. Exercise, enough sleep, proper nutrition and hydration, and just plain laughter helps immensely!

Specializes in Bariatric, Urology/Renal.

I am speaking from a slightly different perspective, as all my books are digital (per my institution's policy), so sorry if some of this may not carry over.

-I love flashcard apps like Study Blue and Quizlet. I mainly use them for definitions at the beginning of the chapters.

-I color-code my highlights. Green-test, Pink-important, Pencil-need clarification, etc.

-Supplemental books: FA Davis Success books, NCLEX-PN prep

-Concept maps (find whatever style works for you!)

-Recording lectures

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