study material


hello, I graduated school in August , and will be doing my practical Nurse Cpnre exam near the ending of October. I read the Saunders comprehensive review for the nclex-pn examination ed 6. I was wondering if the Cpnre prep guide is helpful because i plan on buying it? did it help you pass? Please help

Yes please, try buy it, it is very helpful for CPNRE. But try finish the Saunders and do as many questions as you can with the online code. Tr read the cpnre prep guide 3 times before your exam. Goodluck.

You can email me. I can send you some material.

thank you so much, i just emailed you [email protected]

Hi, was wondering what study material you might have to share? I have the Saunders & the edition 5 of the cprne guide. Am thinking of purchasing the online tests from exam edge. Has anyone heard of it?

I have some Tests. I can send it to you. Tell me your email.

[email protected]. When are you writing yours?

Oct 22. What About you?

Hi mann26sandhu could you please send me these test papers on my email [email protected]


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Please make sure test material isn't covered by copyright law. As per the Terms of Service of the site we do not allow If material is copyrighted

Sure. Its not copyright. They are just random multiple choice questions.

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