
Where can i find the study group 101 study guides? Thank you

Specializes in Med surg and Psych.

Outstanding material! Traci

You can also find them on ebay at Excelsior College.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I love SG101. Nice people, great materials. Very thorough!


Best $10 I ever spent! I just ordered their ethics study guide. C

I know that I am probably not the first one to suggest this, but I just found it and I thought I would share it with everyone. StudyGroup 101 has pre-made, up-to-date, affordable study notes for sale to help meet your study needs.

I just used it to get notes for Life Span Developmental Psychology exam. I was able to download them directly to my pc. I am unable to buy my book at this time, so this is helping me get a jump start on my studying. I hope this is helpful to someone here.

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