Student Needs Interview about Financial Management

Specialties Management


Hello, all. It's been many years since I posted on I started posting here when I was a first year student. After I earned by ADN, I kept the name. Now it's been 10 years and I'm a first year student again, sort of -- I'm earning my BSN (after getting sidelined by an MPH).

These courses are killing me because I'm working full-time and have three kids! Anyway, I need to interview a financial officer at an healthcare institution for a class I have. Guess, what? Most financial managers don't have the time to give even brief interviews to RN-BSN students! Can you help with an email interview? Please! Managers and educators encourage us to get advanced degrees, but we need your help. You don't have to be a CFO, just a nurse manager who regularly deals with finances.


Just a heads up ...these interview requests rarely get fulfilled and they come up constantly. Start looking for a plan B (or C) before you waste much more time here.

Good luck!

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.

All nurse managers who run a department or more "deal with finances". Since you are working full-time, you have access to a nurse manger in your place of work who deals with finances. Is it possible to interview him/her for 10 minutes? I think you have a better chance of having a manager that knows you answer your questions (especially those that are encouraging staff to attend school) compared with strangers on the internet.

By the way, I have sit downs with people all the time who are very busy and very high up the food chain of various departments. The trick to getting people to want to talk to you is to ask them to talk to you about specific things prior to the sit down (this means you have to do your research and decide which questions need to be asked and which do not). You also need to gage how long of their time you will take and be good about not being over time. Lastly, thank him/her prior to the interview and afterwards. Good luck!

I'm sure you're right. I work the night shift, so I think I'm just going to BS this interview with the overnight nursing supervisor.

They really like to torture us with this crap. We'd probably learn more just reading an article in a healthcare finance magazine. Heh heh.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
I'm sure you're right. I work the night shift, so I think I'm just going to BS this interview with the overnight nursing supervisor.

Nursing supervisors don't deal with finances. Department managers do.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
They really like to torture us with this crap. We'd probably learn more just reading an article in a healthcare finance magazine. Heh heh.

I doubt it. Heh heh.

Honestly, that's the one thing I wish they DID teach more of in BSN and MSN programs - the finance part of leadership. On the job training is all most of us get. Don't discount the importance of this knowledge.

Specializes in Surgical, quality,management.
Nursing supervisors don't deal with finances. Department managers do.


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