Student Loans


Anyone know anything about Student Loans? I currently work full time while going to school part time. My job, however is really draining me and I really want to get out and pick up school full time. My problem is that we need my income, and we make too much to qualify for financial aid. I need a loan that will cover school plus living expenses. I realize that getting a loan is not the best choice, but right now I don't think I can take much longer in my current job and would really rather just get my schooling over with as quick as possible so I can move on to doing something I am actually going to enjoy.

I tried talking to the financial aid advisor at the college but she was completely useless. I just need to find a reasonable student loan but not sure where to start looking.

Hi. I am also in the same boat and was wondering if anyone had already posted about this same topic. I currently need to take like 6 more pre-reqs for nursing school. Right now, I work full-time and I am going to start school part-time at a community college. After finishing my pre-reqs, I am going to enroll into an accelerated program, in which I would not be able to continue to work. I was too also wondering if I can take out loans to pay for expenses such as rent? I am not sure if I would qualify for more loans because I used some to pay for my master's degree. I am really seriously hoping and praying for some type of scholarship to help me pay for school, so I am open to anything. I hope others share their experiences with this.

I don't know. I'm confused about that myself. I'd like a loan that will help pay for school and daycare but I don't know if that's possible.

If you're really need money you could do this - I wouldn't recommend it if you have a family though.

Despite your families income, you should still qualify for a Stafford Loan. That's the route I had to go, didn't qualify for anything else because of dh's income, but we really didn't have a dime to spare to pay for school. I got enough from the Stafford to pay for books, tuition and some daycare.

Go in and talk to your aid department, they can change your EFC manually if your status changes. Keep in mind that any judgments they make will only be good at that college and will not transfer to any other college.

I paid for all my prereqs out of pocket but now that I am starting NS full time, I got a student loan. What a pain the ---!!!! I knew there was no way I would qualify for financial aid so I went through my bank (Wells Fargo) and to my SHOCK they wouldn't give me a loan without a 2nd co-signer..(other than my hubby!) Which is weird because we have really good credit and make a really good income. So anyway, I had to have my dad co-sign which sucked. Then my school acted as if they had never dealt with Wells Fargo before! I waited all summer to hear from my school about getting the money from the bank (because they send it to the school and the school mails you a check) and never did. So after many unreturned phone calls, I finally went down to the school only to find out that they wouldn't release anything until I filled out a federal financial aid application... GRRRR :banghead: So I finally got that done a couple weeks ago and now I have to wait 30 days to get any money for school supplies etc. It has been a nightmare!!!! I hope you guys have an easier time with this process than I have. However I will say that yes, you can include living expenses in your loan. I added $300. a month for daycare with no problems. :wink2:

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