Published Apr 29, 2011
23 Posts
I was just wondering how many people that struggeled with their pre-reqs like A&P, Micro, Chemistry and Pharm....went on to their Nursing program and were successful? I have heard people say that if you cannot excel with the pre-reqs, you dont stand a chance in the program. Anyone had a similar experience? Thanks :)
Idaho Murse
114 Posts
From what I have seen most people's GPA drops once they are in the nursing program. The content and the way it is tested is just much different from anything else.
Will you be successful? I am not sure anyone here can answer that. I know people did not even get past application with out a pre req GPA of 3.5. My advice would be to talk to the pre nursing councilor if the program you want to get into has one.
But I will say that that those who struggled with their pre reps struggled with the content in the nursing program. But everyone struggles with parts of nursing.
127 Posts
I struggled with A+P1 and A+P 2. I got a C- in A+P1 and dropped out of A+P2(only six out of 30 students stayed in). I did really well in microbiology and got A's in everything else. The second time I took my anatomys I got A's in it. And I am doing well in my nursing classes. The reason I think I did poorly the first time I took A+P is due to poor study habits. I studied a ton but I didn't know how to study the material. The second time I was a pro on how to organize everything and it helped me out a ton. The school I am in did not look at it negatively they said to them it showed perseverance and it told them that I was driven.
Turd Ferguson
455 Posts
It depends on what you consider "successful"
You can skirt by your prereqs and still possibly pass nursing school, but you really do need a working knowledge of the prereq subjects in order to fully understand what's going on in nursing school and beyond
382 Posts
I think it really depends...I think a lot of people who do poorly in their pre-reqs don't do so because they're dumb or don't get it but because maybe their study habits aren't as well developed yet.
153 Posts
It depends on what you consider "successful"You can skirt by your prereqs and still possibly pass nursing school, but you really do need a working knowledge of the prereq subjects in order to fully understand what's going on in nursing school and beyond
If you struggle in pre-reqs there is almost no chance you'll be an A student in nursing school.
Nursing school assumes you have a very good working knowledge of everything in the pre-reqs. During fluids and electrolytes they're not going to stop and explain osmosis or what an ion is, they will just assume you know it. When teaching you psychosocial assessment they will assume you know Erikson.
A lot of people that get accepted to nursing school *don't* have full competence over this material so they require mediation. There is enough *new* material that any time spent on remediation is very detrimental to your nursing education and almost always reflects in grades.
Thanks everyone...I just got my acceptance letter for Fall yesterday..Im just worried and nervous (like everyone else) i feel like ive learned so much already and have done really well..current gpa 3.9 but im still worried that once i get in it will be so hard and ill fail it normal to feel this way??? And i feel like if im nervous to fail with a 3.9 gpa i wonder if people that have actually struggled through A&P Mirco Chemistry Pharm..all those, go on to succeed in the program..???
good luck to everyone
tokyoROSE, BSN, RN
1 Article; 526 Posts
No one in my class struggled with prereqs-- in a BSN program, you can't struggle with those basics and get in, period. With your 3.9 GPA, I think you will do fine. You've just got to keep working at it. Some days it is overwhelming but it can be done. I started nursing school with a 3.9 GPA as well, and although that fell to 3.79 during the most challening courses of my program, I am bringing it up to a 3.8 this semester. Not too bad
THANKS! i think im just over thinkin it too much...... cant live your life on "what if's" just gotta give it your all and DO IT! :)
80 Posts
You can do anything you set your mind to if you are determined to succeed at it. I have found that the key to studying is finding out what works best for you...which might change every semester (well my approach to studying changes every note taking system to...don't know what that's all about ). Anyway if you mess up in pre-req's you can still move on...hell I completley missed my A&P lab final practicum.....damn near failed the class. Before the final had and 96%...after missed final had a 75%....a C. I still made it into nursing though. :)
189 Posts
I struggled with pre-reqs. I got a B in a&p II, a C+ in chem, and a C+ in micro. I got into an acredited nursing program at a state college on my first time applying. It's not impossible to get into nursing school with average grades.
I am getting all A's and B's in nursing school. I'll be done in December.
I wasn't really interested in chemistry or micro. It wasn't that I was stupid and couldn't remember stuff. I was just uninterested, so didn't devote as much time as I should have to studying.
I am very much interested in my nursing classes, so I enjoy reading the material, so I remember the material, so I do well on the exams.
Don't feel down. You can do whatever you put your mind to
9 Posts
I didn't do well when I took my pre-req's, had a 3.1 going into nursing school. Now I have a 4.0 gpa and am one of the top students in my class. Don't let people tell you it is impossible.