Published Nov 14, 2008
12 Posts
11 years ago when I start studing nursing I tought I should improve my position in this subjectany time possible.
With those thought I finished and start my job in iran after 4 years studing english I collect all my certificate to go australia and experience new life.
I tried hard and studied hard and prepare myself to attending in a course which cost me 10000 AUS $ and was2 months .now i finished first months and 2 of my friend s and i failed to continue because of their policy to pass 65% of theoritical examination and we just get is not fair u know we did 2 times and i asked them plz accumulate the higher score in to exam already we will pass more than 70 .........
but they are so strict and tough they are not symapathic how it was hard to be here and have that supply of money which took me 5 years to collect that according or poor economic and low salary.
They are talking about the standard of here but when you go to hopital you will required to just give medication and take shower and something like that . it is not fair when in my back we did more than that .
Now I think all the fulish tought should be stop nursing will not improve never erver just in case becuase i think it is not independent field always ask doctor to do sth but they ask in our exam about the disease
this story should be ceased here for evre
thanks 4 your patient
121 Posts
I'm so sorry this happened.
215 Posts
I'm sorry you worked so hard and recieved nothing. My nursing school was like that.
542 Posts
Its sad to hear you feel this way about nursing. Nursing like every other profession has a stnadard, and that standard CANNOT be lowered because of one individual. If you are required to pass a certain percentage, then it is best you work hard (as I'm sure you have been doing) to get that pass score.
On the other hand, you say that nursing is all about passing meds and giving baths. Says who? Is that what you were thaught in nursing school. I don't live in Australia, but I doubt that the standards of care are any lower than the ones in the USA. Also, you don't understand why you are being tested on pathophysiology, since according to you, nursing is not an independent field and we have to ask the Doctor for everything. Really? If you don't know the pathophysiology behind pneuomonia, will you know to do pulmonary hygiene on your patient? To elevate HOB at 30 on an intubated pt or a pt on tube feeds? NO! you would'nt and guess what, you don't need an order for all those things. Because those things make up nursing care, things nurses do to prevent medical complications.
I don't mean to be too harsh on you my friend, but I think you really need to figure out wether this is what you want to do before you invest more money and time. You will be dealing with people's lives, and that is not to be taken lightly. I understand it is hard to save money when you make little money, but things are the way they are for good reasons (standards of care are important).
What's keeping you from working as a nurse in Iran?
34 Posts
I, for one, am glad that nursing schools have tough standards.
467 Posts
you'll probably have to improve upon your english grammar. then go back and give it another shot!
you're 1/2 right... mostly all we do is give medication. RNs don't really shower people, though... the other half is spent charting.
and yes, we take orders from the doctors. we are dependent of them. they give orders, and we carry them out. you're probably not going to like nursing if you like working by yourself and being the one who likes to make the orders.
Its sad to hear you feel this way about nursing. Nursing like every other profession has a stnadard, and that standard CANNOT be lowered because of one individual. If you are required to pass a certain percentage, then it is best you work hard (as I'm sure you have been doing) to get that pass score. On the other hand, you say that nursing is all about passing meds and giving baths. Says who? Is that what you were thaught in nursing school. I don't live in Australia, but I doubt that the standards of care are any lower than the ones in the USA. Also, you don't understand why you are being tested on pathophysiology, since according to you, nursing is not an independent field and we have to ask the Doctor for everything. Really? If you don't know the pathophysiology behind pneuomonia, will you know to do pulmonary hygiene on your patient? To elevate HOB at 30 on an intubated pt or a pt on tube feeds? NO! you would'nt and guess what, you don't need an order for all those things. Because those things make up nursing care, things nurses do to prevent medical complications. I don't mean to be too harsh on you my friend, but I think you really need to figure out wether this is what you want to do before you invest more money and time. You will be dealing with people's lives, and that is not to be taken lightly. I understand it is hard to save money when you make little money, but things are the way they are for good reasons (standards of care are important).
Dear friends
Thanks for your patient butnot be hurry!!!! I am not thinking that Nursing is just taking bath or meds. Actually I did more than it in my back iran. Believe me we insert cannula and carotid cathline our self in iran .but I compared with here which we are not allwed to do some like that and just DRs should do it. I had lots great experience in intubation and so on but here they donot consider this things and only the registerd nurse when get REG in first years should do the same thing I told you before.
You know I am not worried about standdards;But I am worried be unfair so much they required us to pass 65% but we pass 62% why because they change the way. they change to hard question but if you geive hope to some one and r going to help I think we should provide the easy one or atleast same as perevious one .
BTW it was past and as you see I am your collegue as same and be fair some times we need to look after our selves like patient . we should be more sympathic not like stone.........
it is clear that we like our jobs but we should not think that we r the best and others should be stop....
you'll probably have to improve upon your english grammar. then go back and give it another shot!you're 1/2 right... mostly all we do is give medication. RNs don't really shower people, though... the other half is spent charting.and yes, we take orders from the doctors. we are dependent of them. they give orders, and we carry them out. you're probably not going to like nursing if you like working by yourself and being the one who likes to make the orders.
I am not to working on myself yes wetake order from doctor as we can see in advs below this from ask doctor ever!!!!
just i mentioned that in australia we should take shower for patient and i think it doesn't required more knowldege as they want!!!!!
148 Posts
Nursing school is tough no matter what, but I don't feel asking for 65% is too much. My school requires 75% and above. It's printed clearly that even a 74.8 or 74.9% will NOT be rounded up to 75%. And I feel like this is the way it should be.
And 62% would be a D-. I agree with the poster who recommended you polish up your English some more first and then try again. It's not all over yet.
Nursing school is tough no matter what, but I don't feel asking for 65% is too much. My school requires 75% and above. It's printed clearly that even a 74.8 or 74.9% will NOT be rounded up to 75%. And I feel like this is the way it should be.And 62% would be a D-. I agree with the poster who recommended you polish up your English some more first and then try again. It's not all over yet.
yes u r right but 65 is for all subjet but if your boundary is 75 is for one subject and consider we should prepare our self 4 all subject is only 1 months...
nrsang97, BSN, RN
2,602 Posts
My passing grades is nursing school was 80% and better. So I think really brush up on your English and try again.