Staying in the room with a COVID patient

Nurses COVID


Hi everyone,

I'm curious as to what other facilities are doing. The nurses are staying in the ICU rooms for the duration of the shift. We have runners that bring things to you. These rooms are negative pressure and the patients are vented. There's a computer so you're 10-15 ft from the patient. Is this safe practice?

You're wearing N95, face mask, face shield, gowns, booties.

We were given PAPRs about a week ago. The N95s also magically appeared (a couple of boxes of them). We're entirely COVID and no we don't have to stay in the room but we are in the room when we have to be. They encourage us to limit the time in the rooms now. What boggles me is that on some of the other floors where I work some of the COVID+ patients have 1:1 that have to sit in the room with them the entire shift (and they don't always get PAPR). I don't make the rules but I don't like any of that...

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