Published Sep 19, 2010
9 Posts
I graduated 3+ yrs ago and took the NCLEX twice and did not pass. I had already been thinking that maybe being an RN was not for me, and after failing the second test I decided to go towards another career. I was blessed with a great job and was given the opportunity to be in accounting and discovered the world of photography. I for the most part have been content but I have to admit that there have been few times that I wondered about being an RN. Recently a friend (whom I have not spoken to in a long long time) contacted me and gave me a lecture (like the type your mom gives you when you've done something wrong) and told me how I should still get my license and so on, and although it may sound weird I had been praying about it, kinda asking for some sign whether or not nursing is for me, and it felt like an answer.
So to make a long story short, I found this website and started reading different threads. I saw a thread where a person posted that they took the test 10x before they passed and another mentioned how it took them 6yrs and 6 tries. So it gave me hope!!
So here I am asking for advice/help. Don't know where to start. I'm worried with what I know, and what I don't know and all that I have forgotten. If you have any suggestions I would GREATLY appreciate it. I feel like I have to revise Anatomy and Physiology, PATHO, and PHARM. AHHH really worried, and probably a bit scared. I think I'm starting to feel anxious and stressed like I did in nursing school.
34 Posts
miami76, if that lil voice inside says to you"what a bout nursing?" You should look into it(just my opinion). It took me eight years after graduating to pass the NCLEX. I have to say some days I felt that maybe nursing was not for me, I did other things too but that lil voice kept taunting me. You can do it!! Continue to pray and ask God for discernment and guidance. Best of Luck to you.
Hello msdaschcav thanks for the words of encouragement. Can I ask what did you use for review material?? Kaplan?? Helen Feuer?? every bit of advice helps . Have a great night :)
Ximena2008, RN
128 Posts
Hello Miami76:
you are not the first one that fails the exam, and of course you felt discourage. I too got my first ATT in 2005 took the exam and failed. Got very discourage, did something else but was never too happy bc the idea of not passing the exam was there. Started again 2 more times and failed as well. Then I said, forget it it is not for me until this year (5 years later) I made up my mind that I will take the exam until I pass. I took the refresher course (mandatory in FL after you fail 3 times) at Miami Dade College, strictly did Helen Feuer and pass the exam.
The 1st time I just went I sat for the exam. The 2nd time I did a little bit of Kaplan, never completed the material. The 3rd time, I used Saunder's, I read all the book and did over 1000 qs. The 4th time the refresher course and Helen Feuer. I can not tell you that one is better than the other bc it depends what type of a student you are, I for instance like to listen and to take notes. you may be visual etc. my strong recommendation is which ever material you use, stick to it. I found that Saunders was simple, organized, maybe more to read but I like it. And then Helen Feuer audio was so good for me. Make sure you relax about it, study as if you are reading a novel, make it fun. Find a study partner for once a week where you can talk about it and discuss about it.
You can contact me anytime if you need my help. Send me a private message I will give you my phone and email. Good luck
hello Ximena thanks for all the pointers. It's true what you said, got to read it like a novel, the more you like it the more you're likely to remember everything. It'll be a while before I sit for boards, so gotta fall in love with it (not sure if at any point I was passionate about it, but I am determined to do it). Thanks for the support. Havent' figured out how to do pm's yet...should I add you as a friend? sorry very new to this ..
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
83 Articles; 5,923 Posts
hello ximena thanks for all the pointers. it's true what you said, got to read it like a novel, the more you like it the more you're likely to remember everything. it'll be a while before i sit for boards, so gotta fall in love with it (not sure if at any point i was passionate about it, but i am determined to do it). thanks for the support. havent' figured out how to do pm's yet...should i add you as a friend? sorry very new to this ..
you will be able to send pm's after you have 15 posts.
thanks for the advise tnbutterfly...mmm about 12 more to go :)
154 Posts
Miami76 hang in there and this website is full of useful information. Best wishes on your journey.
hey miami76 sorry it took so long for me to reply. I used helen feuer CDS and Saunders. Once I was done with teh Saunders 5000+ questions I looked for other questions to do. I have to say the questions helped tremendously as I did not understand the importance before (8yrs ago). I also used a tutor. It cost but you know it was worth the investment. Where are you located? I can refer you if you would like.
10 Posts
Hi Miami76,
I too was very nervous about passing NCLEX. I read the Kaplan Test-taking strategies book and it changed the way I approached NCLEX questions. Doing a lot of questions is helpful, but if you learn how to choose a correct answer by eliminating wrong choices, you will have better success, I believe. For example, the book teaches you to choose assessment answers over interventions, or consider ABCs(airway, breathing, and circulation), and if all answers are interventions, then use Maslow's Heirarchy. Hope this helps.
45 Posts
I graduated 3+ yrs ago and took the NCLEX twice and did not pass. I had already been thinking that maybe being an RN was not for me, and after failing the second test I decided to go towards another career. I was blessed with a great job and was given the opportunity to be in accounting and discovered the world of photography. I for the most part have been content but I have to admit that there have been few times that I wondered about being an RN. Recently a friend (whom I have not spoken to in a long long time) contacted me and gave me a lecture (like the type your mom gives you when you've done something wrong) and told me how I should still get my license and so on, and although it may sound weird I had been praying about it, kinda asking for some sign whether or not nursing is for me, and it felt like an answer.So to make a long story short, I found this website and started reading different threads. I saw a thread where a person posted that they took the test 10x before they passed and another mentioned how it took them 6yrs and 6 tries. So it gave me hope!!So here I am asking for advice/help. Don't know where to start. I'm worried with what I know, and what I don't know and all that I have forgotten. If you have any suggestions I would GREATLY appreciate it. I feel like I have to revise Anatomy and Physiology, PATHO, and PHARM. AHHH really worried, and probably a bit scared. I think I'm starting to feel anxious and stressed like I did in nursing school.
Thank you for sharing your story! I can tell you this... I graduated RN school May 2009. I studied for my test (half heartedly I realize now) and took the test for the first time. I failed, so I attempted again (using Kaplan books, Saunders, NCLEX made easy, etc) and failed the 2nd time. After that I moved around a bunch and got a job bartending just to pay bills. I finally decided 1yr and 4 months later that I would retake the test for the 3rd time. I failed again!!!
Looking back on my experience and honestly evaluating myself I realize that in all of my attempts to pass I never really put 100% into studying or dedicating the time that I should have. 2 months ago a good friend of mine from nursing school confronted me about failing and told me that HURST was what made her pass the 3rd time around. I had heard of the program but it was 300$ and considering I had already spent close to 2,000$ at this point with re-registering, books, study guides, I was not to thrilled but I finally decided to invest the money and do it.
It has been 1.5 months since I failed the 3rd time and 1 month since signing up for HURST. I have to admit, after doing so many programs and books, this course is exactly what I needed and so worth the 300$!
The online course is made up of 27 lecture videos lasting any where from 35-70 min's long. The videos cover every body system as well as tests and tips geared towards passing the NCLEX. There is also a 275 page PDF file full of lecture notes from each of the lecture videos that you can print out and follow along too. I got it printed out (front to back) and bound at a local Kinko’s for less than 35$ and it is a wonderful tool! I don't know how you learn or retain information, but I am definitely a visual learner and the best part is that you have 3 months access so you can watch the videos over and over along with the lecture notes until it becomes second nature to you. I am also using note cards that I have made along with the Saunders CD just to hit every angle so that the 4th time can be the last time!
My life, my career, my relationships, everything has been put on hold because of this situation in my life. I strongly recommend you spend the money on HURST especially because you have also been out of school for so long and I'm sure could use the refresher as I do too.
I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your journey and if you have any questions than please don't hesitate to contact me.
J :)
32 Posts
i also failed 3 times, and in florida you only have a 3 chance to take the exam now i have to do the refresher course. and its a lot of money i was thinking to apply the California board of nursing instead of paying too much in the refresher course. is it a good idea? i dont wanna work in cali all i want is if i pass is florida will let me work here? failing 3 times makes me feel that i dont know nothing and its so gard to start all over again.