Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

U.S.A. Georgia



I am so excited about starting Emory nursing school in the fall. I'm coming to Georgia from Louisiana so I hope that it isn't too much of a culture shock . Is anyone else headed to Emory in the fall? Any advice about anything would be great from anyone ;) !!!!

Is this the 100% quiz???

Specializes in Neuro ICU, Gyn/Uro Surgical.

It's the practice quiz for the one we have to take within 4 weeks. It is just long...took me over 4 hours but I also took breaks to deal with kids and dinner and field phone calls.

What is everyone bringing tomorrow? I was just going to bring pen and paper. Angela said to dress comfy so I am probably gonna do jeans and tshirt. Now I am I just trying to get everything together. I get to leave here at 5:30 in the morning to get there on time:uhoh21:

OMG... 5:30 AM orientation is at 8AM. My gosh:uhoh21:. Tomorrow I will bring my lunch, small notebook, and a pen or two. Can't figure out what to wear, but this isn't a fashion show I suppose. At this point I'm just nervous about tomorrow.....

I worked on the quiz so long yesterday that I fell asleep at 2030 pm. It is 0120 am and I feel like a had a full nights sleep.

I found a work study job that I don't have to work a minimun amount of hours per week. I can keep my work study tuition and not have to work but a few hours from time to time.

See you guys in the morning!

ok guys orientation is over, you have your schedules, what do you think?

I have all 7 AM Labs which is what I wanted. I also have my clinical days on Thursdays, which means on days that I want drive home I can leave after class. The only thing I would like to know at this point is where (if any) are our powerpoint lectures located.

Go Eagles LOL!!!

Specializes in Neuro ICU, Gyn/Uro Surgical.

Yup Yup...I got all my 7am labs too! AND my clinical day is also Thursday. See ya in the morning and perhaps have the coffee IV ready for me? :lol2:

That makes 3 , I have all 7am labs and clinicals on Thursady. My hardest days are Mon and Tues. I only have one class Wed, Thur, Fri. Can we bring drinks in the Lab?

I don't think we can bring drinks in the lab but Icould be wrong.

I also have lab at 7:00 AM on Wed, Thurs, and Friday. Yuppie2009, I still have not gotten a chance to meet you. I guess we will all touch base tomorrow.

Specializes in Neuro ICU, Gyn/Uro Surgical. must reveal yourself to us tomorrow!!!!:lol2:

Is anyone coming to school early on Tuesdays? I want to start a study group that meets once a week. It will pretty much be a forum for us to meet and discuss questions or problems that we come across during our reading. I was in a group like this last year and it worked really well. It was very structured.

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