Starting Emory nursing school for the Fall 07

U.S.A. Georgia



I am so excited about starting Emory nursing school in the fall. I'm coming to Georgia from Louisiana so I hope that it isn't too much of a culture shock . Is anyone else headed to Emory in the fall? Any advice about anything would be great from anyone ;) !!!!

We have got to get some of our classmates on this forum !!!

JO we got to get that locker combo tomorrow ...... :)

Ok everyone.... we had our first day of lab. What do you think???

Specializes in Neuro ICU, Gyn/Uro Surgical.

Well, I was a bit frustrated because of the mix ups with the lab schedules. After my name not being called and going with another group, I found out I was supposed to be the group you were in, Yup. After waiting all weekend I finally received an email saying yes I am going to be in that group, not the one I participated in and photographed with on Friday. Deborah says she is going to email all of us our correct lab times and clinical day tomorrow.

Are you going to bring textbooks on Tuesday? I am in the 7am Health Assessment Lab Tuesday morning so I will be there nice and early.

Hope you are enjoying your long weekend...see you on Tuesday!


I really like my group but something tells me that I'm going to be moved. Did she say exactly how much she is going to move people around. I'm not bringing any books with me.

Specializes in Neuro ICU, Gyn/Uro Surgical.

I don't think you'll be moved. I really was supposed to be in Corrine's group originally...I don't know why they didn't call my name since it was on the list. I guess they skipped over it. Debbie didn't mention moving anyone around. She is just going to let us know where we all belong because there were other people who didn't have homes. Do you have health assessment lab Tues or Weds?

We don't have health assessment lab on Tues. But they gave us 6 chapters to read and told us that we will be in class an extra hour for 2 weeks starting 9/10. I have lab on Tuesday mornings also.

Mory have I had a chance to meet you yet???

hint...i am in your clinical group and mentor group....

OK... I know....i'll see you later then :)

Remember: Next week Body Mechan.

Oh... we got to get more people onto the forum.....

Specializes in Neuro ICU, Gyn/Uro Surgical.

Thursday- Drive home after lab(5PM): 1 hour 15 minutes

Friday-2 hours

BUT...It was a parking lot on 85 and I got to do some reading. :lol2:

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