Stanford RN Residency 2014

U.S.A. California


Hi! Just starting a thread for the March 2014 Stanford RN Residency application. If you haven't applied yet, deadline is Nov. 25th at noon. Good luck, everyone!

I got a call earlier at like 0815.. so excited/nervous!! Good luck everyone!!

Specializes in CCRN MedSurg Neuro Trauma Transplant ICU.
I got a call earlier at like 0815.. so excited/nervous!! Good luck everyone!!

Haha you got lucky you got your call really early! Got mine around 10:30! Woo hoo! Congrats! What units are you interviewing for? Any idea what to expect for this next one? Is it panel or just the one manager? Good luck!!!

Thanks and congrats to you too!! I have no idea what to expect haha so that's a bit nerve wrecking but I believe it's going to maybe be one on one? I know that the managers of the unit will be calling to set up interviews. I am interviewing for Cardiac (the one that was at the top of the list, I think) and MedSurg. How about you? I'm just like wow to even be considered!

Specializes in CCRN MedSurg Neuro Trauma Transplant ICU.
Thanks and congrats to you too!! I have no idea what to expect haha so that's a bit nerve wrecking but I believe it's going to maybe be one on one? I know that the managers of the unit will be calling to set up interviews. I am interviewing for Cardiac (the one that was at the top of the list I think) and MedSurg. How about you? I'm just like wow to even be considered![/quote']

That's awesome though! I'm interviewing for IICU and Trauma ICU. Trauma is my DREAMMMMM! So I'm so excited I can't even believe it. Two of my friends who are extremely intelligent and personable did not make it and I'm honestly shocked! Definitely pat yourself on the back! It was tough for sure! Well let me know if you hear anything regarding the interview process for this round! :)

Awesome!! Wow I don't think I could handle trauma ICU, when I was interning in the ED during the summer I saw an older female who had broken and dislocated both ankles and that was too much for me. So I can't even imagine what you will see in the Trauma ICU. You have a strong tummy!! You'll rock it! Cardiac is my number 1 so I'm thrilled to even have the chance to interview for it. If I hear anything I'll post it on here. Gotta just prepare for anything.

Specializes in CCRN MedSurg Neuro Trauma Transplant ICU.
Awesome!! Wow I don't think I could handle trauma ICU when I was interning in the ED during the summer I saw an older female who had broken and dislocated both ankles and that was too much for me. So I can't even imagine what you will see in the Trauma ICU. You have a strong tummy!! You'll rock it! Cardiac is my number 1 so I'm thrilled to even have the chance to interview for it. If I hear anything I'll post it on here. Gotta just prepare for anything.[/quote']

Haha yeah you see some gnarly stuff! I've dedicated the past year of school in our trauma ICU where I live. Did a summer preceptorship/volunteered for 150 hours and took care of some very complex patients. But honestly, that's totally what I love! So we'll see! I just got a call for my IICU interview and it's on Monday!

Aww that is awesome! I wish you nothing but the best of luck!! And omg this Monday?? They must be ready to meet you! Let us know how it goes :)

I also sent you a PM let me know if you got it!

How are second rounds going?

Does anyone know if we need to be prepared for nursing scenario questions in the interview. Have they said when final decisions will be made?

I believe each unit is different but I was told they all have until the 13th to let HR know who they want.

Hi bmdbmd! I am on 2nd rounds as well and one of my choices was med/surg. Wanted to know if you received a call from them for an interview yet?? Haven't heard from them yet and freaking out a bit. lol.

I know that 13th is the latest for managers to make their decisions, but anyone heard anything yet? :)

Best of luck to everyone!!!!

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