i just want to encourage all or circulators to stand your ground in that or suite! you know what is right and what is wrong! you have the authority to execute in your judgement, if a corner can be cut and how much it can be cut.
i am getting so tired of scrub technicians (whether certified, bonafide or calcified) who walk into an or and think they can 'decide' what to count, how to count and in some of the most outrageous very wide open chest and abdominal cases, if to count! are in control. but if you give control of that or over to a tech who has figured out they can intimidate will some day find yourself explaining to the board of nursing why you let the tech call the shots! ( not to mention the judge)
i respect the heck out of my techs and i do not "pull rank" on them unless it is absolutely necessary. i have only ever had to do that two or three times in my career. i train new rn's in the or all the time. one of the very first things i drill into their heads is that everything that goes on in that room is the responsibility of the rn.
sometimes i get these hot shot techs who've been here, been there, been doin' it 30 years...well that's great. personally, i don't care if you were born into the world doing it and have the psychic ability to absolutely "know" where all your sponges and instruments will still do a count as many times as i require which is equal to my satisfaction that we do have everything.
my techs have learned to appreciate and respect the way i run an or. it took them a while to realize that i have no 'pets'. i require all my techs to count the same way. i do not 'trust' sylvia cause she's been doin' it her way for 40 years.
i tell my can set up your field any way you want as long as it's integrity is maintained and does not potentially jeapordize my patient's well being should their break come up or they are going home before closing.
increasingly i am seeing rn's turning over the counting duties to 2 techs and the rn is out of the room. i saw 1 tech counting to the other tech and the tech's back was to him as he was putting new sheets on the or table...c'mon people...we are the ones who go to court if something goes wrong and we are idiots not to realize the awesome responsibility that we carry. surgeons are going to bellyache...they are taught to intimidate the has never worked on me where ever intimidation has reared it's ugly head...we live in a sea of intimidation...we all had better learn ignore the whinings and whimperings of those around us. if we do what is best always for the patient...then we are in fact protecting everyone else's behind. surgeons are no exception!! they absolutely will perform a surgical scrub before they gown/glove and put their hands inside my patient. they will not be permitted to use blue/green or any other towel to put inside the body cavity unless it's a disecting aaa!!!! wishbone or backbone...which do we have?