Staff Recognition


I'm the new DON (almost 2 months)of a small specialty hospital where staff would receive a $10 gift card to Target whenever they went above and beyond the call of duty. Now HR has decided that they are no longer letting us hand out these gift cards and I'm struggling to find a comparable reward system. While I make sure to verbally acknowledge my thanks to my employees as much as possible, I'm looking for new, creative ideas for staff recognition. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Specializes in Emergency Nursing, Pediatrics.

Maybe collect names of the staff who go above and beyond, and keep a record of what act they did that was superb. At the end of the month or quarter, have a small party where all staff is invited and announce those specific staff members and their generous acts.

Specializes in Med Surg, ICU, Infection, Home Health, and LTC.

Have you tried meal tickets? Or a token system that puts their name into a drawing each week or month? Perhaps a 50% discount at the hospital's gift shop?

Specializes in Medical-Surgical/Float Pool/Stepdown.

Do you have a computerized system that allows staff to recognize each other, like on a staff website for other needed info such as accessible protocols, cafeteria menus, want ads, etc? A monthly newsletter? Highlight people at their staff meetings? There are a ton of non-monetary ways to express staff appreciation albeit most would say "show me the money"!

I think most will take an honest thank you over crap they won't use so go with that for now. Maybe help on the floor when it's crazy chaotic? That'll make the biggest impression. Regardless of what you do, don't forget all (2 or 3) shifts your facility haves. The 2nd & 3rd tend to get forgotten about. Ask HR why you can't give those out and ask them what they are substituting. Maybe instead of a bunch of little ones you can do one $25 to a local grocery store? You can do a drawing once a month for it.

Specializes in tele, ICU, CVICU.

I think the biggest thing is to acknowledge them going above & beyond. Also, as Cheyenne responded, meal tickets and offering a decent discount at the facilities gift shop are usually nice to get.

I have never seen a 'token system' or something along those lines. When they do something really great or a patient recognizes a nurse by name they get little token (or something more fun). Then, at the end of the month, whoever has the most tokens gets a handy little nurse tool (belt clip for stethoscope, etc.). What would you have found very handy when/if you worked on the floor? More than likely, if you as a floor nurse found something that was very practical for you, the majority would probably feel the same way.

I used to love to get handwritten notes from both nurse manager & assistant. It only take 3 minutes and now with everything being typed, handwritten cards/notes seem to be a lost art. Good luck!!!

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