St. Pauls School of Nursing 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


I recently just got kicked out of the Hunter nursing program for failing pharmacology. I dont really know what my options are now. Hunter has ruined my gpa and I've heard that it is very hard to get the nursing programs at laguardia, bmcc or queensboro because it is so competitive. Im thinking of going to St. Pauls because I've heard they will accept anyone as long as you pay the hefty tuition price of around 50k. I just wanted to get some reviews on St. pauls. I know it is a very expensive school for an associates degree but can you transfer some prerequisites? Will transferring credits drastically reduce the tuition price? my prerequisite grades are:

ENG 120& 220: B+

Statistics 113: B

Psych 100 & 150: A

General Chemistry: A

Orgo Chemistry: B

Anatomy 1: D

Anatomy 2: B

Microbio: B

I've heard the school has requires two entrance exams before being accepted into the program. Are these entrance exams very hard or as long as you reach the required scores, it is an automatic admission?

Hey did u get a response yet ?

Yep. I've been accepted. I'm going tomorrow to finish the financial aid stuff and get the paperwork for the drug test.

That's great !!! I wish I could go for this semester but I'm just going to continue taking courses towards the degree so when I get there my coorifice load is less a

Good luck to you! For some reason they didn't take all my sciences. Only my microbiology. But I'm not going to worry about it because I just want to get in and do my thing.

Hi! I was rejected from SPSON RP and considering the SI campus but decided it's too far of a commute. I'm attending Swedish Institute's open house next Monday. How was your experience with them and the NLN-Pax vs HESI?

To Naynaao.

Hi, I am happy that you are accepted into the program and for all of you who are in, for the ones who didn't make it, don't give up, study more for the entrance exams, and you will make it.

I am applying to Swedish Institute and also to Saint Paul. I studied liberal arts at CUNY, but I believe they take one or two classes only. I guess I have to retake all my classes ?

I took the NLN Pax exam two years ago, but I have to take it again. It is valid only a year at SI. The reviews of Sain Paul are very negative.

Which school did you decide to go for?

On 2/10/2019 at 6:06 PM, JZ12 said:

To Naynaao.

Hi, I am happy that you are accepted into the program and for all of you who are in, for the ones who didn't make it, don't give up, study more for the entrance exams, and you will make it.

I am applying to Swedish Institute and also to Saint Paul. I studied liberal arts at CUNY, but I believe they take one or two classes only. I guess I have to retake all my classes ?

I took the NLN Pax exam two years ago, but I have to take it again. It is valid only a year at SI. The reviews of Sain Paul are very negative.

Which school did you decide to go for?

When are you applying to SI and SPSON? I applied to SPSON Queens & SI but didn't get in. I was told I'd have to wait a year to reapply which would be in November 2019. I was advised by one of the SI admin reps that the reason why I didn't get in was because of my GPA, which doesn't make sense because I was told at the info session that GPAs don't matter. Another rep said it was because I don't have clinical experience.

I have my Associates Degree but since all the credits were over 10 years ago, I'd have to start ALL the classes from scratch.

Since I didn't get into SPSON, I didn't want to wait long to start the nursing school journey, so I went to Swedish Institute for a 1:1 with an admission rep but wasn't all that impressed with her, the school or the reviews.

I'm looking into other ADN schools but unless I plan on applying to CUNY, these 2 are the best bets right now.

I have a friend that graduated from Swedish Institute several years ago and she heard it has gotten worse. Has anyone had a good experience with them in recent years?

On 4/13/2019 at 3:11 AM, dt1019 said:

When are you applying to SI and SPSON? I applied to SPSON Queens & SI but didn't get in. I was told I'd have to wait a year to reapply which would be in November 2019. I was advised by one of the SI admin reps that the reason why I didn't get in was because of my GPA, which doesn't make sense because I was told at the info session that GPAs don't matter. Another rep said it was because I don't have clinical experience.

I have my Associates Degree but since all the credits were over 10 years ago, I'd have to start ALL the classes from scratch.

Since I didn't get into SPSON, I didn't want to wait long to start the nursing school journey, so I went to Swedish Institute for a 1:1 with an admission rep but wasn't all that impressed with her, the school or the reviews.

I'm looking into other ADN schools but unless I plan on applying to CUNY, these 2 are the best bets right now.

I have a friend that graduated from Swedish Institute several years ago and she heard it has gotten worse. Has anyone had a good experience with them in recent years?

Apply to CUNY it's a much more affordable option.

So St Pauls won't take liberal arts courses if they are more than 10 years old? like English 101???????????? I have an appt today with them that is ridiculous, i can understand math science but im not taking eng 101 psych 101, i just took psych 216 at NCC, how stupid if they transfer HUMAN DEVELOPMENT but not the pre req............I couldn't get any info over the phone its like they get commission just foor you going to one of the info sessions

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