St. Pauls School of Nursing 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


I recently just got kicked out of the Hunter nursing program for failing pharmacology. I dont really know what my options are now. Hunter has ruined my gpa and I've heard that it is very hard to get the nursing programs at laguardia, bmcc or queensboro because it is so competitive. Im thinking of going to St. Pauls because I've heard they will accept anyone as long as you pay the hefty tuition price of around 50k. I just wanted to get some reviews on St. pauls. I know it is a very expensive school for an associates degree but can you transfer some prerequisites? Will transferring credits drastically reduce the tuition price? my prerequisite grades are:

ENG 120& 220: B+

Statistics 113: B

Psych 100 & 150: A

General Chemistry: A

Orgo Chemistry: B

Anatomy 1: D

Anatomy 2: B

Microbio: B

I've heard the school has requires two entrance exams before being accepted into the program. Are these entrance exams very hard or as long as you reach the required scores, it is an automatic admission?

Okay wish you all the best of luck . What's ur background like as far as credits schools etc ? Hesi scores ?

Okay wish you all the best of luck . What's ur background like as far as credits schools etc ? Hesi scores ?

I did my science prerequisites at a CUNY school. I know SP is nationally accredited but I knew ahead of time that I don't need any issues when it comes to getting my bsn later down the line. I scored in the 80's and 90's got the hesi. I've already been accepted at Swedish institute but I'd prefer an evening program. I've been told that they do payment plans and I think I'd be better equipped to afford it if I stayed at my job. If I don't get into sp I may hold off on Swedish and aim for Phillips Beth isreal as I work for mount sinai and know a few people in that program. Or just go for Swedish. It has horrible reviews online even though it's ACEN accredited.

Did u hear anything back from them ? I'm going today for the information session . I had applied two years ago but I had a baby and wasn't able to commit so I never started . But their saying I have to repeat my process as far as information session and hesi . I'm going to try to rush everything to see if maybe I can start for January

I called them this morning. They said they haven't made a decision yet and will do so today or tomorrow. So hopefully Friday I hear something. Swedish institute wants me to come in to get my iPad and take my picture and finish my financial aid package. I need sp's to make a decision already lol.

You need to take the TEAS exam for Swedish right ? And I don't understand why St. Paul's takes soooo long to make a decision . Literally once u pass the hesi exam you're accepted lol. They just like to drag it out

They're really dragging it! I don't want to keep leading Swedish on if I don't have to.

I took the NLN Pax for Swedish.

Oh okay. I know my friend just started there she told me she had to take the TEAS. It's probably too late for me to start in January but I guess I will find out at the information session today

Try it because I started in July or August and they were trying to start me for the fall. They move fast if you let them. Classes start January 14th I think. Today they will most likely try and have you sign up for the test because they did at my info session.

The admission representative Rachel said they've filled all the spots for January already. So I would be applying for May 6th . I'm taking my hesi Dec. 11th . How was the hesi exam ?

The hesi wasn't bad at all. The study guides help and St. Paul's doesn't test for science. It's math, grammar/vocabulary, reading comprehension.

Okay well that's good . I suck at math but I just finished taking remedial math at NCC over the summer so I should be fine. Plus I have the book. Did u submit personal statements or recommendations? She was telling us we could do so to add to our file

For St. Paul's? No. I had to do a personal statement and referrals for Swedish.

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