St Pauls School of Nursing 2010 Acceptance

U.S.A. New York


Hey, has anyone else received an acceptance letter for the spring 2010 semester? :D

Has anyone called lately and asked when we are getting our schedules ??

Has anyone called lately and asked when we are getting our schedules ??

I actually received a call from Ms. J..., (a SPSN member) today. According to her school will be starting january 25, 2010 as previously posted. They will out of the office from this day till next year., some members might pop in and out of the office between then. Orientation packages its unclear yet to when they will be sent but most likely the first weeks of January, she was not specific. The information packets will include the spring semester schedule.

She did mention to enjoy your holiday with your love ones and get some rest, 'cause its going to be tough.

Well I am ready for anything, Show me the process! Nursing process that is!

Books on my list to buy, before entering schools are....

Saunders NCLEX review, 4th edition and possible NCLEX RN Review made easy..

I hope you guys liked the update.

check you out lata...peace


spson 2010 is the facebook group

Make me a Moderator AP726 on FB, i sent you a request.

I don't know if I trust them in the books they suggest. Was it me or the review book for the entrance exam no help? lols But thanks Eliu! Btw, you're a moderator now. Have fun! =)

cant go wrong with the saunders 4th edition though. i also plan to pick that up before classes start.

is saunder's really that good?

From all the reading i have done in this site, everyone thinks its a great book. i went to the library today and found me a saunder's 3 edition. its a pretty thick book, i will be looking through it in the next couple of weeks to see if i like it.

My fellow SPSON students, check your mail today. The "package is in the mailbox"..uhhhoooo Merry christmas to all.

did yu guys buy the book on the book lists yet? im kinda confused bout whether r we supposed to buy all the books listed or is it specific books in that section that are required. anyone else have this problem?

i got the orientation package already. we are required to do urine drug testinq, cpr class and also background checking. did anyone apply for it yet? i applied for all of them already. anyone else got the package yet? the cpr class is on the 14th n the orientations on the 20th while the first day of class is on the 25.

I'm pretty sure all the nursing books are required. With regard to the A&P and the other gen ed course, you only need to buy them if you need the class. A great website to compare book prices all across the internet is

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