St Pauls School of Nursing 2010 Acceptance

U.S.A. New York


Hey, has anyone else received an acceptance letter for the spring 2010 semester? :D

I'm a student at st. Paul's right now. One of the main textbooks we used in the first semester is fundamentals of nursing ISBN:978-0-323-06784-3.

I'm a student at st. Paul's right now. One of the main textbooks we used in the first semester is fundamentals of nursing ISBN:978-0-323-06784-3.

Hey how do you like the school?

I am currently a student @ st.paul's staten island..the program organizers are unorganized, the classrooms are way too small, the library isn't open long enough to study (not to mention the trojan virus that has eveyone using 4 computers), nor do they have the text books for reference. They accepted 63 new freshman students and the student lounge only sit 16 for the whole campus! No cafeteria either guys! They're trying to squeeze as many students in as possible, just for the monetary gains!! Know what your getting yourself into!! I already paid my tuition and went through too much stress to quit, but if i could i'd def reconsider attending this school...the teachers are fantastic thats the only plus, but alot of them are leaving as a result of what the administration is doing...warning st.paul's staten island is a landmine! Dont get ya leg shredded!!!

dont get the books until u start! see what you use, need n what u dont..

I totally agree with Warning, the school is SOOOOOO unorganized. But HEY! If you have the grades to get into a CUNY program or don't mind waiting years to get into one of their programs then by all means go ahead. Its and education and no one said it was going to be made easy for you.

I was personally a little disappointed with the class size being so large....I am sure it won't stay that big though. BTW one book you will need without a question is Fundamentals buy it used for a cheaper price.

This school is one of the worst schools possible. Very disorganized. In the beginning of the year, they lost a quarter of my class's medical records with our personal information, and their excuse was that it must have been thrown out. Ummm...our SSN are on it! They love to do things last minute and make us reschedule our lives -personal and work, to get the things they screwed up done.

Class sizes will remain big or get even bigger because they want the money. They make good pocket change if they charge each student $519 a credit. They even added an extra class so the parking situation is worse than before. The only way it will get smaller is if people drop the school or they fail out. The teachers are expecting that.

You should go to this school if you can't get into a CUNY or even SUNY school, but don't do it for the convenience of it being private. You're better off at Beth Israel...

Hey - can you tell me about it. I was just "accepted" but they said I am not finally accepted becasue there are other formalities. I am seing all of the negative reviews and am surprised. How are the classes run, what time is school from , do they keep you until the last moment of each class, are there any teachers to avoid, Hows the director, hows the scheduling of classes with that woman? tell me all the bad and good. thanks ..

I was also accepted to the Queens campus and I've been reading a lot of the comments. I also have a hard time reaching anyone at the school. I work full time in manhattan and I have not received a schedule of classes or anything. I am already nervous and I need to know what time classes are for the evening so I can rearrange my schedule.

Have you tried calling the school or visiting? Evening classes begin at 4:30 PM and depending on what classes you have can end from 9-10

Thanks so much for this info Sundrop!

Classes are set up already. Day classes are usually from 9:00 to 2:00-3:00 and night classes are generally from 4:30-9:30. The school designs it so that everyone follows the same schedule. It all depends on if you need to take prereqs. Class times vary depending on what needs to be covered. Some topics require more time than others. I don't think I am allowed to mention names and I wouldn't either. You will see for yourself when you go to the school, though, if you do. There are some teachers that are genuine and are willing to help you but the majority are out for themselves and some won't budge in helping.

Nikkibell, I am at the Queens campus as well. You will probably receive a schedule about a week before class starts. Get used to that. But classes usually begins 4:30.

I understand that it is hard to get into nursing school but just be totally sure that you want to go here with the school having so many problems.

They certainly don't make things easy on you, but the good things in life never are. If you get in and decide to go just think. The school gives you an opportunity to take the NCLEX, in the end that's all that matters. If I had the grades of the time to wait on those unbelievably long lists for a CUNY program I would have. But I dont.

Spend more time studying and less time complaining is my best advice. Big difference between constructive criticism and plain old whining....

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