St Louis University


I'm applying to their second degree BSN program. Anyone been there?

Specializes in Med/Surg <1; Epic Certified <1.
I'm applying to their second degree BSN program. Anyone been there?

I'd be curious to know if anyone had information on this program, also. I am hesitant to attempt one of these accelerated programs as so many say not to plan to work, but unfortunately, I have bills that have to be kept up. I'm not sure what kind of financial aid I would qualify for as I already have the first BS I am still paying for! :crying2: I know that payment can be deferred, but there's still the matter of transportation, insurance, personal care, etc....

Any information would be appreciated here!

I'm applying to their second degree BSN program. Anyone been there?

I know its good but its tough. you will take some classes with med students

I'd be curious to know if anyone had information on this program, also. I am hesitant to attempt one of these accelerated programs as so many say not to plan to work, but unfortunately, I have bills that have to be kept up. I'm not sure what kind of financial aid I would qualify for as I already have the first BS I am still paying for! :crying2: I know that payment can be deferred, but there's still the matter of transportation, insurance, personal care, etc....

Any information would be appreciated here!

Slu hospital will pay 2/3 of your tuition if you work for them, they also pay back your student loans up to 400 per month as long as you are an employee so you can have your loans paid for and most of your current schooling too

Specializes in inpatient rehab (general, sci, tbi, cva).
I know its good but its tough. you will take some classes with med students

Not at SLU you don't, unless it's a special interdisciplinary thing that's new.

I was in Accelerated and there was only one potential option to take a class with anyone outside the nursing school and that was for one day.

You just do not have time. Perhaps in the traditional option, but not at all in accelerated.

Slu hospital will pay 2/3 of your tuition if you work for them, they also pay back your student loans up to 400 per month as long as you are an employee so you can have your loans paid for and most of your current schooling too

Do you have to go to SLU's nursing programs in order for SLU Hospital to pay back your tuition?

Specializes in inpatient rehab (general, sci, tbi, cva).
Do you have to go to SLU's nursing programs in order for SLU Hospital to pay back your tuition?

The folks in my class for Tenet Future Nurse got their SLU tuition paid for, but you'd have to check with the folks at the hospital. Some folks go to work for them as a tech and they offer Future Nurse wherever you go. You're then obligated to the Tenet facility to promised to work for (SLUH or Des Peres).

The $400 per month probably has a retention requirement, too, as some other hospitals (such as SSM) use this, too. Some will also not let you use the tuition reimbursement at the same time if you use loan forgiveness, so you have to figure out what you need more--the advanced degree or immediate loan help. $400 per month is $4800 per year and some tuition reimb programs now are over $5000 per year.

Just remember...what they give usually comes with an employment carefully!

Specializes in Med-surg, ICU.

I went there for undergrad. Enjoyed it and thought it was challenging as well.

You do not have to be a grad of SLU to have SLU hospital pay back your tuition.

I've been searching for information about St.Louis University's Accelerated BSN program for people who already have a degree and I can't seem to find much! :mad: I've been on their website but there's just basic information. I've searched through all the forums and I haven't come up with much, which I'm really surprised about! I thought a lot more people would be talking about this program! Has anyone applied to the program? Been through the program? Or have any information about the program? I would really appreciate your help!

Thanks! I look forward to a response! :)

Specializes in Critical Care, Cardiac Telemetry, IVR.

I'm currently in their program. If you have any questions, just shoot! :-)

I'm currently in their program. If you have any questions, just shoot! :-)

I gather you're in the 1-year (or is that 15 months?) Accelerated BSN program?

Prior to starting, did you do comparisons with the Barnes/Goldfarb 1-year accelerated BSN program? And if so, what were your conclusions? I think I'm going to go with Barnes, particularly b/c it costs less than SLU, but would appreciate your insight. Thank you!

Specializes in ED.
I've been searching for information about St.Louis University's accelerated BSN program for people who already have a degree and I can't seem to find much! :mad: I've been on their website but there's just basic information. I've searched through all the forums and I haven't come up with much, which I'm really surprised about! I thought a lot more people would be talking about this program! Has anyone applied to the program? Been through the program? Or have any information about the program? I would really appreciate your help!

Thanks! I look forward to a response! :)

I am also in their Accelerated program right now.

We have an interprofessional seminar with med students, but that is all. As for the SLU hospital tuition repayment, they used to pay the entire amount of your loan, they don't do that anymore. 2/3 has to be a stretch too, because tuition is $45k and they certainly don't pay $30K. I have friends that have investigated working at SLU hospital after graduation, and they pay somewhere between 12-and 15K tuition repayment (can't remember exactly), taxable.

I chose Saint Louis University because of the school's reputation, the fact that I could finish in a year, and the amount of prerequisites they require is less than the other acc programs in the area. However, it is probably the most expensive. I figured in the extra year that it would take me to finish all of the extra prereqs that UMSL requires, I could be earning at least twice my existing income with an RN salary. The price difference still puts me ahead with one year's RN income.

I won't more kids, I don't have time to mess around, and I want my Master's sooner rather than later, and I am highly self-motivated, so accelerated was definitely for me.

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