Published Aug 17, 2012
258 Posts
So today was the 1st day of class & it went great! I was so nervous, anxious, and excited. I couldn't sleep well last night! I got up early and got to class early, my teacher went over a quick orientation of the course including all the important stuff and we jump right into chapters 1 & 2 of out book which we wont get til tomorrow but she was nice enough to print out the powerpoints for us.
We started over the summer with 22 & as of today, there are 10 of us left & we just got into fundamentals! We have our 1st test MONDAY over chapters 1-4. We have class monday-friday 8-1 with the 1st half over fundamentals, & 2nd half over med surge 1, clinicals start in October. Test are every Monday & each day we will be going thru 2-3 chapters a day. Overall a pretty good day SO READY! Its study/grind time, aiming for an "A" on this 1st exam. :)^_^
LadyLeo75, LPN
301 Posts
Good luck to you. I wish you best I start Sept 6 and I am just as nervous and excited.
50 Posts
Good luck and study smart. Can't believe it's down to 10 now!
44 Posts
Good luck to you!! I start my class on the 5th! I cannot wait!!! Keep us posted
67 Posts
Good luck! I start the 11th. So excited.
34 Posts
Good luck and keep us posted through your journey!!
316 Posts
Great to hear! You all lost so mant student already, don't know what ppl are thinking when they apply.
Keep us posted and give it your best shout!
BTY: Is your program pt or ft?
pookyp, LPN
1,074 Posts
22 to 10? Whoa. Good luck!
3 Posts
Any of you ladies have entrance exam study guide to share or sell.. please email [email protected].. and good luck to all whom r in the program.. I'll be trying for 2013 class
8 Posts
Goodluck to u! i start on the 17th of september! a month from today!!!! cant wait
What school are trying to get in?
46 Posts
Good luck!