Spring 2016 pbsc applicants

Nursing Students General Students


Hey there!

I just submitted my application to pbsc for their 2016 spring cycle! Anyone else out there who plans to apply? The waiting game begins! Lol 😉😅🙈✌🏽️

This is the link to the Facebook page for spring 2016 applicants https://www.facebook.com/groups/179641355704057/

What's the fb page name? I want to look it up in the fb app

Palm beach spring 2016 applicants

I couldn't find it by looking up the name for some reason

You should be able to click the link on your phone and add yourself https://www.facebook.com/groups/179641355704057/

I keep checking the Status and the points still have not been updated? Is anyone else like this?

Mine were posted right when I turned it in, I know last semester it took some people a while but sine its after the deadline I would call to make sure

Hey everybody. I wasnt able to apply because I was counting on my psychology point to get me in. Unfortunately, I took AP psych in high school, passed never had to take that class. Because of this I had to send my scores to the college. Collegeboard then told me since I have been out of school for 5 years,my scores were archived, so I had to send in a special request form and pay extra $. Idid all that, but they said it could take up to 15days. I waited until the last day to see if PBSC had received the score but they didnt. So yeah....I reconsidered everything. I am thinking of switching majors.

To the person who asked me about BC.....I really dont want to talk "trash" about anyone or any institution, but I feel I can at least tell you about my personal experience.

I got accepted into the program with the maximum points. I started this year, in May. I took what was called process 1 and 2 along with a math course and pharmacology. Passed all of it. Went to Holy Cross for that whole semester for clinicals. We had return demos before we went to the clinicals to get tested on all the skills. Loved it.

Second semester started in August and we took what we called GIGU. Completely different than process. Half the class faile the first exam...thats when I decided to drop out of the program. On top of that,my clinical instructor was very unprofessional. She would yellat me, yank things out of my hand, roll her eyes, and basically completely humiliated me in front of patients. I did not like that one bit. I cry for everything, yet I became stronger than ever, held back my tears, bit my tongue and kept going. But the abuse was too much. It was so bad MY PATIENT asked why her why she was treating me the way she was....she told me SHE was intimidating to her and she wasnt even a nursing student. My teacher replied saying "well honey, you should never be a nurse then, im just trying to build competent nurses." This clinical instructor was lazy. For process, my clinical instructor was wonderful, she was tough but she was supportive, and if she had anything to say, she would pull us aside and tell us......We would get to the hospital at 6:30, get our assignment, be up at the floor by 7, get report and start our day...we would leave by 5 or 6pm. On the first day of GIGU clinical, this lady had us sitting in the cafeteria from 6:30-11 am just talking, as we watched her eat her breakfast....she rushes us all to do things and expects us to gather all information we need for assignments, and mind you we would leave by 3. Considering the fact that we only had clinicals once a week, that was too short of a day exposed to real patients. When all of this happened I felt discouraged, like I knew nothing! I decided nursing wasnt for me...i started doubting all my abilities. I knew the material, but was finding it hard to keep up...especially with a teacher like that. I was given 2 patients during this rotation, I was exhausted (I live in Palm Beach Gardens)...driving all the way to Broward Hospital at 5am to get there at 6-6:15...and get yelled at by someone like that.

Please, I know I said a lot of bad things about this college,but maybe it was just my experience. I dont regret leaving one bit. I was very unhappy, very cranky, never wanted to go to class. I think this experience left a bad taste in my mouth...

I dont know if I will ever change my mind and continue nursing.....as of now I am looking into the Physical therapist assistant program at Indian River State College. This was the major I had intended to do first but was unable because I lived in Deerfield Beach before and it was too faraway, got denied at the PTA program in BC because although I had all A's in all my prerequisites, I was missing medical terminology.

Good luck to all of you that applied.....from what I know, PBSC is so much better.

and dont be fooled by the Passing rates at BC......yeah theyre sort of accurate.....100% pass the NCLEX...but think this....they accept like 150 people and out of those original people maybe 10 pass without "retracking."

Hey Guys, I am going to be applying to the Fall 2016 program as I am finishing up my classes this semester and have to take CHM1032 in the spring then I will be ready to apply. Also taking the HESI here in a few weeks. My cousin started the program this semester and said that she loves it. I am looking forward to hopefully getting into the program. I sent a request to join the Facebook group as I would like to soak up as much info as possible. Thanks!

What you're saying is you took your Courses in Spring 2016, Chm1032, and are no enrolled or applied during that Spring semester for Fall2016 course? Were there any problems. I cant seem to get a solid answer with his and want to make sure before looking like a fool to a Advisor.

What you're saying is you took your Courses in Spring 2016, Chm1032, and are no enrolled or applied during that Spring semester for Fall2016 course? Were there any problems. I cant seem to get a solid answer with his and want to make sure before looking like a fool to a Advisor.

I applied to the Fall 2016 session but missed the points cutoff by .03 points. Sucked but I am applying to the spring 2017 program and hoping I get in. I finished all of my pre-reqs in May and applied in June.

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