Published Oct 7, 2012
6 Posts
I'm not even sure this even goes here, but here goes....
I am a 3rd year transferee Nursing Student in an International Nursing Program in the Philippines who is graduating April 2013. Before someone posts making demeaning comments about how it was my choice to study in the Philippines - it absolutely was and I don't regret anything for a second. I was already on numerous wait lists for almost 2 years before I was told that I could be waiting another 2. In fact, had I waited, I would have just started an ADN program this Fall 2012. I could have not experienced all the great and exciting things that happened had I been in the states. My friends back in Cali think it's so cool that I've actually delivered a baby, all while they could do was stand back and observe.
I do plan on moving back to California after graduation. I do realize there is a big chance that my application to sit for the NCLEX will be denied so I have proceeded to look for other options towards my future.
Upon returning, I will get re-certified as a CNA/CHHA in the state of CA as well as re-certifying for Administrator of a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly. I held both positions before I left the U.S to study abroad. If possible, I will also try and re-certify for my surgical technologist certification as well.
All that being said, since I will be unable to sit for the NCLEX in CA, I would like to finish my Master's degree. I get that I would have to have an RN to proceed for MSN, but my question is would it be possible to enter the Entry Level MSN course? Yes, I'll have a BSN, but it's a foreign degree and this just seems to me, one way of fulfilling my deficiency to sit for the NCLEX and getting a Masters. This would more than likely mean that I would be taking all of the Nursing core classes over again, but, in all honesty don't mind at all. Would the schools still recognize that as a Bachelor's and let me apply to the ELMSN program as opposed to having an RN license already for the other MSN programs?
If anyone could help, that would be great! Thanks!
Ginger's Mom, MSN, RN
3,181 Posts
Only one way to find out apply, it sounds like you gphave a plan, good luck!
itsnowornever, BSN, RN
1,029 Posts
Why go overseas to study just to come back and start from the begining? Just curious. Apply and see what happens. Perhaps you will be able to sit for NCLEX anyway
3 Posts
I don't understand why you can't sit for the NCLEX in CA. I have a co-worker and a friend who graduated in the Philippines who just recently took NCLEX in NC.
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
CA has ben denying many IEN applicants due to issues with concurrency in the nursing programs they have graduated from. Many other states are also enforcing this requirement as well.
27 Posts
I am also born US citizen that completed BSN course in the Philippines. applied for Nclex RN in 2011, took the nclex RN in 2012 and did not pass. Re-applied a few months after and the BON requested documents pertaining to my clinical rotation schedule and a complete course calender. I'm guessing they want to make sure that my clinicals and lectures were concurrent.
I am currently in the process of acquring those documents from my college. I also applied for Nclex-PN and am currently qualified to sit for the exam. Just need to schedule an exam date now. So my plan as of now is to take the nclex-PN, pass the nclex-PN, submit required documents to the BON-RN and hope that they will allow me to sit for the nclex-RN again.
If you haven't looked at the Nursing Practice Act of CA, here's a link to it. This is specifically regarding the minimum requirements you must meet in order to sit for licensure. Board of Registered Nursing - Title 16, California Code of Regulations
I hope it all works out for you! I personally kick myself in the butt everyday for not passing the nclex-RN the first time.
Like I stated in my post, I was already on the wait list for 2 years and was told I might be waiting another 2 years. I just decided to come to the Philippines to a) pursue and finish my nursing degree and b) to learn about my heritage and explore the great things about this country. Even after coming back, I was still planning on get my Masters but now the problem remains if I'll be entering an Entry Level MSN or the MSN program already as an RN with 1 year experience.
I was going to apply to sit in for the NCLEX, but at the same time I just have a feeling I'll be rejected with all the concurrency issues as I'm not sure my OR cases will be concurrent. I'm just thinking ahead in case I do in fact that rejected. Doesn't hurt to keep looking to different avenues of getting what I want (to be able to practice nursing in the state I grew up in.. sorry, I'm biased, I was raised in America's Finest city ). I just don't see a point in trying to find a state that is going to approve me to sit for the NCLEX only to never be able to live and work as a nurse in California in the future.
1,882 Posts
Good question, I'm not sure the answer to your question has been answered yet, as the denial of ATT in CA is recently a fairly new development and remains to be seen if one with a PH degree can move on to get the ATT with a MSN from CA.
If the basis is that the BSN degree is deemed not sufficient due to the concurrency issue does the CA MSN meet that requirement so that you're able to get the ATT? However if the BSN degree is not good enough in CA even with the MSN, will it be sufficient going out of state, it may be as long as it's not one of the States with the concurrency enforcements.
It seems to me that let's say you get your RN license from out of state using the MSN, then try to endorse-transfer it to CA, wouldn't CA still look at the BSN degree (as the base foundation) and if it didn't pass the CA BON requirements, then it will most likely be seen as a rejection of the application?
I would write to the CA BON but again, things can change by the time you get your MSN or RN license or one evaluator may see things differently.
I am also born US citizen that completed BSN course in the Philippines. applied for Nclex RN in 2011, took the nclex RN in 2012 and did not pass. Re-applied a few months after and the BON requested documents pertaining to my clinical rotation schedule and a complete course calender. I'm guessing they want to make sure that my clinicals and lectures were concurrent.I am currently in the process of acquring those documents from my college. I also applied for Nclex-PN and am currently qualified to sit for the exam. Just need to schedule an exam date now. So my plan as of now is to take the nclex-PN, pass the nclex-PN, submit required documents to the BON-RN and hope that they will allow me to sit for the nclex-RN again.If you haven't looked at the Nursing Practice Act of CA, here's a link to it. This is specifically regarding the minimum requirements you must meet in order to sit for licensure. Board of Registered Nursing - Title 16, California Code of RegulationsI hope it all works out for you! I personally kick myself in the butt everyday for not passing the nclex-RN the first time.
You do know that the gap between getting your LVN license and applying for the NCLEX-RN still requires that if the CA BON said you're not concurrent with the clinicals and lectures, that you have to take those courses in a CA school in order to meet the concurrency standard before they will grant the ATT for the NCLEX-RN.
This is where most of us PH grads are getting stuck as the colleges or schools offering such courses are extremely limited in open spots and very $$$$ (at least $7,000 in up-front tuition fees plus maybe a couple of $1,000's for the books and supplies).
You do know that the gap between getting your LVN license and applying for the NCLEX-RN still requires that if the CA BON said you're not concurrent with the clinicals and lectures, that you have to take those courses in a CA school in order to meet the concurrency standard before they will grant the ATT for the NCLEX-RN. This is where most of us PH grads are getting stuck as the colleges or schools offering such courses are extremely limited in open spots and very $$$$ (at least $7,000 in up-front tuition fees plus maybe a couple of $1,000's for the books and supplies).
Yes I do understand that. Since I have not submitted the requested documents, I still have not been officially "denied" re-application to the nclex-RN. If and when I do get denied that is when I will take the appropriate measures to re-qualify myself for the RN exam. As of now, the nclex-PN is my main focus.
So at least if I do get denied by the RN again, I will still have an active LVN license and will be able to practice as and LVN. At the end of the day, any license is better than no license.
As another option I also have considered proceeding to get my MSN as Lilmissmayshine and steppybay suggested but I believe you already have to an active RN license in order to gain acceptance into those programs. That is what I have seen from my limited research.
Steppybay also brings up good points about qualifying for the nclex-RN even after acquring your MSN. Ultimately it is the BON that decides and they are the only ones to answer this question.
BTW I have spoken to a NP a while ago and he said that if any nurses wanted to proceed to a Nurse Practicioner, they should do that ASAP. They supposedly are making it a requirement to attain a Phd in order to practice as a NP by 2015.
As another option I also have considered proceeding to get my MSN as Lilmissmayshine and steppybay suggested but I believe you already have to an active RN license in order to gain acceptance into those programs. That is what I have seen from my limited research.Steppybay also brings up good points about qualifying for the nclex-RN even after acquring your MSN. Ultimately it is the BON that decides and they are the only ones to answer this question.BTW I have spoken to a NP a while ago and he said that if any nurses wanted to proceed to a Nurse Practicioner, they should do that ASAP. They supposedly are making it a requirement to attain a Phd in order to practice as a NP by 2015.
I have been looking into Entry Level MSNs where applicants need to have a Bachelor's in another subject. Granted, I'll have a BSN but CA doesn't recognize it as fulfilling the curriculum requirement to sit for the NCLEX-RN This was my original question; if schools will accept the BSN into their EL-MSN programs. The BSN portion of the program takes a year, then you are allowed sit for the NCLEX, hopefully pass and the return to finish the Masters portion of the program.
Good look with sitting in for the NCLEX-PN, I hear that CA is also denying and/or rejecting foreign grads, as well.