Published Jul 13, 2006
107 Posts
That's where my test shut off today. It was a nightmare. I am normally a good test taker. I went into this test feeling confident and this morning I woke up, had a panic attack, puked, among other things and right now I am just so bewildered. I had like 3 or 4 select all that apply, three med questions (meds I'd never heard of) and tons of priority questions involving procedures I had never heard of. NO delegation questions, or labs, or OB. I didn't feel like I knew anything and could barely narrow any of them down to 1 answer. I've read this on here a million times but it is so true-I am certain that I failed. It's so dissappointing-I don't think this a test one can eve prepare for.
327 Posts
How long do you have to wait?
I think I can find out saturday with the quick results, BUT I have to work tommorow evening shift and saturday evening shift. I know all my coworkers will be asking me if I passed and I just don't feellike I can handle that, especially if I fail and have to work sat. evening. Would you call in for that? Maybe I Could!
DolphinRN84, MSN, RN, APRN, NP
1,326 Posts
Hi maledi, i'm sure you passed. Took the test in the shut off at 75 priority, delegation, a couple of meds, 5-6 select all that apply (probably got only 1 right), teaching, and infection control. I don't feel any better...i left the testing center feeling i have really mixed feelings about how i did.....i'm sure you passed. i'm scared to find out my results though...i kinda want to wait until the MA BON posts it..i know a couple of girls that i graduated with passed, and their names were posted on the BON within three days after they took the exam. Do you know if they posts on the weekends???